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from 324 rub.

Flyuanksol (the international name – Flupentiksol) treats group of antipsychotic medicines which possess Таблетки Флюанксол (5 мг)the antidepressive, calming and anxiolytic action.

Flyuanksol received good comments thanks to effective activation of an emotional condition of patients and contribution of their social adaptation.

Structure and form of release

The main active ingredient – a hydrochloride of a flupentiksol of 4 mg.

Flyuanksol is issued in the form of solution for intramuscular introduction (on an oil basis) and tablets on 5 mg placed in cardboard packaging on 50-100 pieces.

Pharmacological properties of Flyuanksol

Flyuanksol is a neuroleptic which blocks dopamine receptors and adrenoceptors of a brain. As a result of action of a flupentiksol sedation within 7 days of regular administration of drug is reached.

Flyuanksol has good responses as the medicine which is quickly eliminating symptoms of a depression, psychosis and promoting recovery of thinking. Patients with asocial disturbances gradually adapt in society and become sociable.

Flyuanksol is quickly soaked up and reaches the maximum concentration within 4-7 hours. Bioavailability makes 40-42%. Drug forms several inactive metabolites and is removed from an organism with excrements and urine.

Drug strengthens effect of the sedative drugs, ethanol and medicines oppressing a nervous system. At Flyuanksol and Guanetidin's concomitant use the medical effect decreases.

Flyuanksol and Piperazin's interaction increases risk of development of side reactions, and also promotes emergence of extrapyramidal frustration.

Indications to use

Flyuanksol is appointed for treatment of psychotic states with hallucinations and paranoid symptoms, disturbances of thinking, apathy, disorders of social adaptation, autism, schizophrenia, psychoses of various etiology, stressful states, a depression, neurosises.

Flyuanksol received positive reviews as effective drug for treatment of psychosomatic frustration and elimination of effects of an alcoholic syndrome.

Application instruction of Flyuanksol

According to the instruction Flyuanksol in the form of tablets it is necessary to accept inside 1-2 times a day 0,5-1 mg. According to the recommendation of the attending physician the dosage can be increased to 1 mg 3 times a day. In the absence of medical action within 7-10 days reception drug is cancelled.

At heavy psychotic frustration Flyuanksol appoint 3-10 mg 3 times a day. The maximum daily dosage at acute psychoses should not exceed 100 mg. The maintenance dose of drug makes 5-20 mg 1-2 times a day within 5 days, and then the dosage gradually decreases to 3 mg of 1 times a day.

Flyuanksol's instruction orders to enter intramusculary solution on 20-40 ml of 1 times a day. The course of treatment makes 2-3 weeks. The maintenance dose makes 20 ml of 1 times a day at an interval of 2-4 days. At a recurrence of mental diseases the dosage can be increased to 400 mg a day. Upon transition to other antipsychotic drugs it is necessary to reduce Flyuanksol's dosage gradually.

According to Flyuanksol's instruction during treatment it is necessary to be careful or to temporarily suspend the activity to patients who manage vehicles and work at a factory. Flyuanksol can reduce attention and slow down psychomotor reactions.


Contraindications to Таблетки Флюанксол (1 мг)Flyuanksol's appointment are hypersensitivity and intolerance of components of drug, a disease of marrow, blood circulation disturbance, a collapse, coma, pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, glaucoma, a renal and liver failure, Parkinson's disease, fever, a syndrome to Reja, children's age up to 16 years.

With care and under constant control of the attending physician drug is appointed at alcoholism, diseases of cardiovascular system, a peptic ulcer, infectious diseases, a serious illness of lungs, hepatitis and at advanced age.

Side effects of Flyuanksol

Flyuanksol can cause the following side reactions:

  • from the central nervous system – sleeplessness, drowsiness, uneasiness, a tremor, a collapse, a headache, dizziness, coordination loss, dyskinesia;
  • from cardiovascular system – tachycardia, arrhythmia, hypotension;
  • from system of digestion – diarrhea, dyspepsia, vomiting, nausea, a lock, a meteorism, hepatitis;
  • from sense bodys – a cataract, a hearing disorder, glaucoma, decrease in visual acuity;
  • from the blood circulatory system – a leukopenia, anemia;
  • from endocrine system – a diabetes mellitus, a dysmenorrhea, a gynecomastia, disturbances of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • allergic reactions – urticaria, dermatitis, a bronchospasm, a dermahemia, the raised photosensitivity.
The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Flyuanksol of piece tablet 0,5mg 50

324 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Flyuanksol of a tablet 1 of Mg of 50 pieces

409 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Flyuanksol тбл п / about 1 mg No. 50, Lundbeck H.

442 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Flyuanksol of a tablet of 5 mg 100 pieces

1087 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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