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from 63 rub.

Furasolidone is the medicine from group of nitrofurans having antibacterial properties.

Pharmacological action

Furasolidone is Упаковка Фуразолидонto synthetic derivatives of a 5-nitrofurforol. According to reviews Furasolidone is most effective at treatment of the inflammatory diseases caused by gram-negative aerobic bacteria. Aerobic gram-positive microorganisms, mushrooms and protozoa are to a lesser extent sensitive to it. Anaerobic activators are insensitive to Furasolidone.

Pharmacological effect of Furasolidone in many respects depends on the accepted doses: at low doses drug has bacteriostatic action, and at their increase – bactericidal. The mechanism of antimicrobic action is that the nitrogroups which are a part of molecules of Furasolidone under the influence of enzymes of microorganisms are recovered to the amino groups which are very toxic for bacteria. Amino groups break integrity of cellular covers of bacteria, and I block many biochemical processes in them. As a result of it microorganisms lose ability to further growth and reproduction.

According to reviews Furasolidone possesses also a small immunopromoting effect. It consists in ability of drug to increase phagocytal activity of white blood cells (leukocytes) and a caption of a compliment.

Furasolidone increases sensitivity of a human body to alcohol. Therefore at a concomitant use of this medicine and alcoholic beverages nausea and vomiting develops.

Resistance (stability) to Furasolidone at bacteria develops rather slowly.

After acceptance inside Furasolidone is quickly and almost completely absorbed in intestines. Therapeutic significant concentration in blood remain for 5 – 6 hours after acceptance of a single dose. Drug gets into liquor where its concentration is same, as well as in blood. In intestines high concentration of Furasolidone is also noted.

It is removed, generally by kidneys, partially in not changed look, partially in the form of metabolites.


This medicine is used for treatment of inflammatory infectious diseases of urinogenital system, digestive tract and skin. According to the instruction Furasolidone is used for treatment of the following diseases:

• Typhus and paratyphoid;

• Bacillar dysentery;

• Lambliasis;

• Coloenteritis;

• The diarrhea caused by the infectious reasons, in particular food poisoning;

• Mecotic infection;

• Cystitis, urethritis;

• The infected burns and wounds of integuments.

Furasolidone route of administration

Drug is accepted inside. It is desirable not to crush and not to chew a tablet, and to swallow entirely, washing down with a glass of water.

According to the instruction Furasolidone for treatment of food toxicoinfections, paratyphus and dysentery is appointed by four times a day on 100 – 150 mg within 7 – 10 days.

The indication to Furasolidone is also the mecotic infection. At a colpitis this drug is appointed for three days on 100 mg by 3 – 4 times a day. In addition into a vagina enter 5 g of the powder consisting of Furasolidone mix with lactose (milk sugar) in the ratio 1:400 once a day, and into a rectum rectal candles with Furasolidone. At a mecotic urethritis Furasolidone is accepted on 100 mg by four times a day within three days.

According to reviews Furasolidone is rather effective in treatment of a lambliasis. Adult it is appointed by 4 times a day on 100 mg, and children - at the rate of 10 mg to body weight kg a day. The daily dose is distributed on 3 receptions.

Use of Furasolidone for treatment of wound fevers and burns is justified. In these cases drug is used locally in the form of the wet drying bandages or irrigations by solution of Furasolidone (1:25000).

Side effects

Furasolidone is considered Таблетки Фуразолидонlow-toxic drug, but, nevertheless, can lead to development of side effects: nausea, vomitings, to lack of appetite, pain in the field of an epigastrium. According to the instruction Furasolidone seldom leads to development of allergic reactions: Quincke's edema, urticaria, itch, skin rash. For prevention of development of side reactions it is recommended to wash down each dose of Furasolidone with a large amount of liquid, to accept antihistaminic drugs and vitamins of group B.

At prolonged use of Furasolidone, especially at children of chest age development of a methemoglobinemia and hemolitic anemia, a hyperthermia, cough, asthma and neurotoxic reaction is possible.


• Individual hypersensitivity to drug;

• End-stage of a chronic renal failure;

• The age of the child is younger than one month;

• Lactose and glucose-6-fosfotdegidrogenaznaya insufficiency.

Indications to Furasolidone at pregnant women have to be estimated by attending physicians carefully. During pregnancy and a lactation use of Furasolidone is admissible only if the possible advantage of drug is much more potential risks for a fruit (child).

Furasolidone has to be appointed carefully to the patients having diseases of a nervous system and a liver. It is not necessary to appoint it to persons whose work demands high concentration of attention and bystry reaction.

Interaction with other medicines

Tetracyclines and aminoglycosides increase antibacterial activity of Furasolidone. At a concomitant use of Furasolidone and Ristomycinum, Chloramphenicol the risk of oppression of the hemopoietic function increases.

It is not necessary to appoint drug at the same time with Amphetamine, Ephedrine, MAO inhibitors since it is connected with high risk of development of hypertensive reaction.


At intake of high doses of Furasolidone at the patient toxic damage of a liver develops, up to ostrory toxic hepatitis. According to reviews Furasolidone in high doses can lead to development of gematotoksichesky and neurotoxic action.

There are no specific antidotes. The gastric lavage and giving in sorbents and salt purgatives is shown. Appoint vitamins of group B and antihistaminic drugs. If necessary carry out the infusional therapy directed to maintenance of water and electrolytic balance.

At a serious poisoning carry out a hemodialysis.

Form of production of Furasolidone

Drug is produced in the form of tablets with the content of active agent of 0,05 g (50 mg). Tablets are packed on 10 pieces into planimetric strip and bezjyacheykovy packagings.

Furasolidone storage conditions

Furasolidone should be stored at the room temperature in the dry place unavailable to children. The term of its validity is three years. After expiry date drug cannot be used for treatment.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Furasolidone тбл 50 mg No. 10, Anzhero-Sudzhensk HFZ of Ltd company

63 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Furasolidone of a tablet 50 of mg of 10 pieces

66 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Furasolidone of a tablet 50 of mg of 20 pieces

98 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Furasolidone тбл 50 mg No. 20, Anzhero-Sudzhensk HFZ of Ltd company

104 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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