Main > Drugs> GA-40



The drug GA-40 represents a complex of the polypeptides emitted from environmentally friendly plant material. GA-40 contains hromatografichesk the cleared standardized combination of polypeptides. In medical practice of GA-40 it is used in the form of transparent colourless solution.

General characteristic

main physical and chemical properties: the lyophilized powder of white color with a specific smell;

STRUCTURE: 1 bottle contains 1 mg (1000 mkg) of a complex of the GA-40 polypeptides emitted from extract (1:40) of the Solomon's seal of annulate (Polgonatum varticillatum); excipients: sodium chloride, potassium dihydrophosphate.

Release form. The lyophilized powder for preparation of solution for injections.

Pharmakoterapevtichesky group. Anti-neoplastic drug. Code of nuclear heating plant L01C.

Pharmacological properties

GA-40Preclinical and clinical tests  show that the medical drug GA-40 in relation to cells of tumors is characterized by cytostatic activity, is an immunomodulator and treats immunoproofreaders or drugs of immunorehabilitation type.

GA-40 recovers indicators of T and In cellular systems of immunity. In particular, in blood quantitative indices of the T-general, T-active, T-helper, T-cytotoxic, T-suppressor cells, normal killers (NK cell), leukocytes, macrophages, thrombocytes, eosinophils, basophiles, band, segmented, monocytes are normalized; GA-40 recovers the content of immunoglobulins in blood, reduces the speed of sedimentation of erythrocytes, stimulates products of cytokines, including c-interferonov and factor of a necrosis of a tumor (TNF-a).

Unlike himio-onkopreparat of GA-40 does not damage normal cells of an organism that defines its  almost harmless action on any bodies and fabrics.

GA-40privodit many biochemical indicators of blood broken by different negative factors in norm: content of crude protein, albumine, globulins, urea, creatinine, the general bilirubin, free and connected bilirubin, glucose, and also the following marker enzymes - alaninaminotranspherases (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), g-glyutamintranspeptidazy (g-GP), alkaline phosphotazy.

At treatment preparatomga-40 positive dynamics of indicators of kantseroembrionalny antigen (SEA), a-fetoprotein (AFP), prostatspetsifichesky antigen (PSA), and other specific markers of a tumor is observed. GA-40 also positively influences the content in blood of sodium, calcium, potassium and other mineral substances.


GA-40 is applied:

At treatment of malignancies.

GA-40 gives chance of improvement of a condition of patients even with far come tumoral processes at which treatment opportunities of the main traditional methods are exhausted. GA-40 is characterized by double impact on tumoral educations: direct necrotic impact on a tumor of epithelial fabrics of all bodies (i.e. on carcinomas, but on sarcomas – tumors of connecting fabric - GA-40 does not exert a direct impact), and indirect, through activation of anti-tumoral immunity on a tumor of all bodies and types, except some types of leukoses. GA-40 detains growth of malignant cells, regression of tumors are promoted and a rassasyvaniye by a metastasis, reduces pains, improves quality and considerably increases life expectancy of patients.

Use of GA-40 is recommended to surgical intervention as with formation of primary malignant tumor the hidden metastasises are already widespread in an organism (70% of cases) though their progressing development by this primary tumor is suppressed. Moreover, primary tumor reduces or even switches-off anti-tumoral mechanisms of immune system. GA-40 normalizes immune system and promotes a rassasyvaniye hidden a metastasis, thereby primary tumor is localized.

Use of GA-40 is recommended also after surgical intervention as the postoperative stress, especially in the first week, as a rule, causes considerable decrease in immunity that increases risk of development of infections and new a metastasis. Postoperative use of GA-40 prevents distribution a metastasis, and also accelerates processes of postoperative recovery.

Use of GA-40 is recommended as prior to the beginning of beam and chemotherapy, during their carrying out, and after their end.

Toxic impacts on an organism of cancer patients of chemotherapy and radiotheraphy often cause heavy complications and therefore forced delays or even a stop of treatment. Other problem – initial used medical drugs resistance of some tumor cells, and also the resistance acquired during treatment. The radiotheraphy and chemotherapy also cause genetic mutations in normal cells and, as a result, the probability of emergence of tumors of qualitatively new types increases.

Use of GA-40 in combination with radiotheraphy and chemotherapy considerably reduces toxic manifestation of these therapies, the possibility of their use and efficiency increase; the organism considerably is protected from emergence of new tumors.

At treatment of some types of leukoses.

GA-40 in the form of monotherapy or in a combination (in a complex) with other types of therapies is applied at treatment of acute miyeloblastny and megakarioblastny leukoses. When using the drug GA-40 stimulation of processes of a hemogenesis, and also transformation of malignant cells into normal cells of an organism is noted.

At treatment of high-quality and other new growths – mastitis, fibroma, myoma, adenoma, tsistoza, etc.

At treatment of allergic diseases - bronchial asthma, etc.

At treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases acute and chronic virus hepatitises (Gepatit-A, In, C) cirrhoses of a different origin, pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, stomach ulcer and a dvenadtsitiperstny gut, cholecystitis, prostatitis, trichomoniasis, clamidiosis, toxoplasmosis, cystitis, etc.)

GA-40 is applied to preventive safe treatment at genetic tendency to tumoral diseases, closely connected with adverse environmental factors. At any age in a human body hundreds of regenerating and cancer cells which at people with normal immune system are instantly distinguished and destroyed are daily formed. The probability of developing of tumors in an organism of people with weakened and the more so defective immunity is rather high. For the purpose of reduction of risk of oncological and nonspecific diseases, and also for increase in resistance of an organism to viral and other infectious diseases two times a year carrying out a course of treatment are recommended by the drug GA-40, especially to persons 40-50 years are aged more senior.

Assessment of therapeutic monoeffect of GA-40 on onkopatsiyenta of 3-4 stages.

  • The best effect (considerable improvement) of-12%
  • Good effect (improvement) - 33%
  • Satisfactory effect (process stabilization) of-46%
  • Lack of effect - 9%
  • Negative effect (deterioration) - 0%

Route of administration

GA-40 is applied in the form of subcutaneous or intramuscular injections. To each bottle containing the lyophilized powder 5 ml of water for injections are added, carefully stir up before full dissolution of powder. The dose of one injection makes 2 mkg/kg of body weight (0.01 ml/kg of body weight). One course of treatment makes 21 injections which are carried out according to the scheme appointed by the doctor.  Treatment continues before full remission of tumoral and other diseases. As a rule, treatment includes not less than 7 courses, with pauses between them 10-14 days then for the purpose of prevention  bucketed single repeated courses are recommended 2-4 months.


Use of GA-40 is contraindicated at pregnancy.


At treatment preparatomga-40 by-effects are not noted. GA-40 improves structurally functional indicators of all vitals. It ensures efficiency and safety of treatment not only a basic disease, but also eliminates by-effects both in case of monotherapy of GA-40, and in kombinatsiiga-40 with other drugs and traditional methods.

Release form

GA-40 release in the form of the lyophilized powder or 0.02% ready for solution for an injection in bottles.

Conditions and periods of storage

Drug should be stored in the place protected from light at a temperature from 4o to +10oC.

Periods of storage: in the form of powder of 12 months, in the form of injection solution 2 months.

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