Main > Diseases> Galitoz


The fetid smell from a mouth – галитоз, occurs at a quarter of adult population. Own olfactory reflexesЗловонный запах изо рта – галитоз, встречается у четверти взрослого населения adapt to a smell of expired air and become not sensitive to it. As a rule, the patient is reported about existence of a problem by people from its inner circle. Existence of a galitoz inflicts moral suffering on the person, limits his communication with people around, promotes emergence of an inferiority complex.

Symptoms of a galitoz

It is possible to assume existence at himself a galitoz on unpleasant smack in a mouth. Sometimes it is possible to notice that interlocutors try to occupy a remote distance at communication with you. It is possible to make a dome of palms, and having exhaled in it, at once to smell air.

It is also possible to suspect галитоз at himself at some available pathologies – a reflux esophagitis, gastritis, the gullet diverticulum, an ulcer and other diseases of digestive tract which are followed by abdominal distention, an eructation or vomiting, a diarrhea, etc. Chronic purulent or bacterial processes of ENT organs (tonsillitis, antritis, etc.) and a respiratory organs (for example, tuberculosis) also lead to emergence of a galitoz.

The hormonal imbalance causes disbolism in an organism and also can be shown in the form of a galitoz.

It is accepted to distinguish real and imaginary галитоз. Imaginary галитоз can appear even because of concern in quality of a smell from a mouth, owing to an emotional overstrain, uneasiness, excitement and even a mental disease. Real галитоз most often (about 85% of all cases) is a consequence of rotting of the remains of food because of insufficient hygiene of an oral cavity. Smoking is the reason of emergence of a galitoz following on frequency.

Emergence of symptoms of a galitoz can be connected with feeding habits. Inclusion in a diet of such products as onions, garlic, etc. leads to hit of flying aromatic substances in a blood stream, from it in lungs, and from them in expired air.

Some somatopathies can be also shown in the form of a galitoz. The characteristic, so-called, mouse smell of expired air is a symptom of a liver failure. The urine smell from a mouth is observed at a renal failure, and acetone at an exhalation is felt at patients with a diabetes mellitus. The heavy smell of rotting from a mouth is characteristic of lung abscess.

Also При отсутствии стоматологической патологии больной с галитозом нуждается в консультации гастроэнтерологаemergence of a galitoz can be caused by reception of some drugs which can promote drying of a mucous oral cavity (antidepressants and tranquilizers, hypotensive or drugs, diuretics).

Diagnosis of a galitoz

Diagnosis of a galitoz does not present special difficulties, but at the same time it demands obligatory establishment of the reason. First of all with symptoms of a galitoz the stomatologist has to examine patients. It is required to exclude a dental plaque or a dental calculus, caries, a periodontal disease, an ulitis, pockets of gums, etc., and if necessary – to undergo the corresponding treatment.

In the absence of dental pathology of the patient with galitozy needs consultation of the gastroenterologist, otolaryngologist and endocrinologist.

Treatment of a galitoz

Treatment of a galitoz perhaps after diagnosis also represents complex therapy of a basic disease. The additional measures directed to elimination of symptomatology are regular toothbrushing, language and the sky twice a day, rinsing of an oral cavity after each meal of an antiseptic conditioner, use of a dental floss (floss) for removal of leftovers from interdental spaces, and also the refreshing sprays and chewing gums. It is possible to chew leaves of mint or parsley, coffee grain, etc.

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