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About gastroenterology


Gastroenterology – the field of medicine which is engaged in studying, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of digestive tract. And though in a human body there are at all no those bodies which would not be important, nevertheless digestive tract has special value as that how many and what quality of energy will receive all other systems directly depends on its state. Digestive tract diseases directly influence a condition of all organism generally, and disturbances in this area always conduct to a health aggravation of symptoms in general.

One more feature of gastroenterology consists that GIT diseases practically do not happen isolated, and the disease of one body by all means worsens functioning and the others. There is it because of anatomic features of digestive tract. Inherently it represents a long tube which begins an oral cavity and comes to an end with an anus. All bodies which are a part of this "tube" are interconnected.

Digestion process – one of the most difficult processes in an organism, and its harmonious activity is provided not only directly by digestive organs. It is regulated by nervous and endocrine system, and failure in normal functioning at least of one of links of this difficult chain negatively affects digestion. For this reason the gastroenterology closely interacts with neurology and endocrinology.

Digestive tract diseases are the most widespread pathology now. Tenor of life of the modern person, with constant stresses, lack of a day regimen and food, negatively affects work of the alimentary system. Unfortunately, the culture of consumption of food is in deep decline, since the childhood people are accustomed to having a snack with no drink, to fast food and carbonated drinks, to abundance of food with the refined sugar and other garbage food. As a result, the sad statistics says that every second person at 30-year age has this or that pathology of digestive tract, and it means that the gastroenterology will remain medical science number one for a long time.

However the medicine does not stand still too, and in the field of modern gastroenterology there is a set of achievements. In many respects success of treatment is defined by progress of diagnosis. Various methods of medical visualization (endoscopy, KT, MPT, ultrasonography, radiodiagnosis) provided diagnosis accuracy, and modern opening, such as Helicobacter pylori role in developing of gastrointestinal diseases, made treatment much more effective.

Whether you know that:

Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.