Main > Diseases> Hemangioma



All of us met in life of people on whose face there were big "birthmarks" though the hemangioma a birthmark is not. The hemangioma is the benign vascular tumor having an appearance red, crimson or livors, flat or rising over skin which can occupy a significant area – from 0,5sm to the 10-15th in the diameter.

The hemangioma at children is the most frequent type of tumors. Its favourite localization – on a face or a neck though hemangiomas and on other body parts, and even hemangiomas of internals meet. The hemangioma is only in rare instances capable to do harm to health, as a rule, these are hemangiomas of internals – the most rare type of hemangiomas. But being located on open body parts, having the big size and being evident to people around, the hemangioma can influence considerably a psychoemotional condition of the person, worsening it, especially, if it is about girls. By the way, at girls the hemangioma appears more often than at boys.

Hemangioma reasons

Researchers did not learn hemangioma origins still, however long observations and statistics allowed to make several assumptions.

As there is a hemangioma at children, and children of early age, disturbance takes place during the pre-natal period of development of the child. It is reception of some drugs by the pregnant woman, a bad ecological situation in the area of residence, perhaps, the viral disease transferred to pregnancy time. Also suspect endocrine disturbances as gender dependence is traced of emergence of a hemangioma in children - at girls it arises more often.

Manifestations of a hemangioma

Earlier was considered that the hemangioma at newborns is not shown, and the first signs of a hemangioma arise aged from several weeks up to three months. However in recent years hemangioma cases at newborns even more often are registered. Pediatricians find it difficult to state the reason, and assume that deterioration in ecology is guilty.

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The hemangioma at newborns, as a rule, has an appearance of a small speck. Color of a speck can vary from light pink to crimson and cyanotic. As a rule, hemangiomas at newborns have dark pink or light-red color.

As it was already mentioned, such speck can appear not at once and when to the kid several weeks are executed. The hemangioma at children usually is not distinguished as a vascular tumor at once. A speck – small and soft, and parents just process it antiinflammatory ointments. However the speck begins to grow, and sometimes growth this quite rough. As a rule, in process of growth the hemangioma at children darkens. The hemangioma at children up to one year grows, then growth stops.

As a rule, the superficial hemangioma does not cause any special manifestations, except external. The hemangiomas located inside can have different symptomatology, depending on an arrangement and extent of impact on surrounding fabrics.

Outward of a hemangioma, and also its influence on health in many respects depend on localization and on a type of a tumor.

The hemangioma at children has the following localization (the list on decrease):

  • pilar part of the head, especially nape;
  • on a face: eyelids (including an internal part of a century), a nose, cheeks;
  • oral cavity;
  • generative organs;
  • upper part of a trunk;
  • hands;
  • legs;
  • internals, bones, etc.

Distinguish the following types of hemangiomas:

  • simple (capillary) hemangioma. Can be flat, hilly and nodal, hilly flattened. Has red, crimson or cyanotic color, a clear boundary, is located on the surface of skin. When pressing the spot turns pale;
  • cavernous (cavernous) hemangioma. Is located under skin, has an appearance of a node, usually hilly, covered or not changed skin, or skin of a cyanotic shade. When pressing the node is fallen down;
  • the combined hemangioma. Combines symptoms of a simple and cavernous vascular tumor;
  • the mixed hemangioma. A hemangioma at which not only vessels, but also other fabrics are involved in tumoral process. The type of such hemangiomas differs depending on their structure.

Treatment of a hemangioma

A consensus about that as well as at what age it is better to carry out treatment of a hemangioma and whether to carry out in general, does not exist. The reason of disagreements is that sometimes hemangiomas disappear by seven years without any intervention. Therefore a part of pediatricians believes that to this age it is enough only observation of a tumor.

Other part of doctors inclines that removal of a hemangioma is necessary, and it is necessary to make it as soon as possible, without having allowed a tumor to expand. Scars the child operated before half a year practically does not have, at later age the cosmetic effect is worse. One more argument for removal of a hemangioma: independently only the fifth part of hemangiomas disappears and that in most cases is the hemangiomas which are located on the body parts closed by clothes.

Need of removal of a hemangioma does not raise doubts only when it is located near vitals, and poses for them a threat: on a mucous membrane of an oral cavity, on the interior of a century or a nose, on internals or bones, on generative organs where it will be constantly injured.

Treatment of a hemangioma can be and conservative. Usually conservative treatment of a hemangioma is appointed at extensive tumors. For this purpose appoint hormonal drugs. Independent treatment by hormonal drugs – is inadmissible, because of a possibility of serious side effects.

Способ лечения гемангиомы - ее удаление

Surgical treatment of the hemangiomas which are superficially located is made by generally modern means of the sparing surgery: a cryolysis, laser influence, administration of sclerosing substances (the drugs forcing walls of vessels of which the tumor consists to grow together) or a combination of these methods. Earlier accepted method of removal of a hemangioma by means of electrothermic coagulation is almost not used now as very painful. Classical surgical removal of a hemangioma is used at an internal arrangement of a tumor.

Treatment of a hemangioma folk remedies

Treatment of a hemangioma folk remedies – is quite widespread. For example, for this purpose recommend to apply celandine juice. However pediatricians not strongly recommend to carry out treatment of a hemangioma by folk remedies.

Soft means, such as broths and infusions of the herbs which are not able to affect a vascular tumor, and strong means as the same juice of a celandine and other cauterizing substances can cause a tumor ulceration, and the subsequent accession of consecutive infection.

Besides, though very seldom and only some types, but nevertheless hemangiomas can озлокачествляться, that is from a benign tumor to turn into malignant. Therefore treatment of a hemangioma folk remedies is admissible only in the form of use of broth of the medicative herbs having the disinfecting and styptic effect in case the hemangioma was slightly injured.

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