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Hemorrhagic fever

Under the term "hemorrhagic fever" the group of infectious diseases owing to which there is a toxic defeat of walls of vessels and development of a hemorrhagic syndrome is joint. The disease is characterized by the general intoxication of an organism and development of multiorgan pathologies. Let's consider in more detail the main symptoms, treatment and methods of prevention of hemorrhagic fever.Геморрагическая лихорадка - токсическое поражение стенок сосудов

Origins of hemorrhagic fevers

The disease is caused by the following viruses: Filoviridae, Arenaviridae, Bunyaviridae, Togaviridae. All these viruses are combined by one common feature – relationship to cells of an endothelium of vessels of the person. Carriers of these viruses are mites and mosquitoes. Some types of hemorrhagic fever are transferred food, contact and household and water in the ways.

The person possesses quite high susceptibility to hemorrhagic fevers. Are especially subject to a disease of the person whose professional activity is connected with continuous contact with the wild nature.

The damage mechanism at hemorrhagic fevers

  • damage of vessels by a virus or product of its exchange;
  • inflammation and disturbance of integrity of walls of vessels, release of biologically active agents in a gleam;
  • development of the IDCS owing to deficit of bleeding (a simultaneous blood coagulation in one vessels and low coagulability in others).

All these symptoms of hemorrhagic fevers cause shortage in oxygen fabrics (hypoxia), there is a disturbance of cardiac performance, a brain, kidneys, lungs and an essential loss of blood.

Disease severity depends on its look, and also on features of a human body and a degree of activity of its immunity. Preferential hemorrhagic fevers come to an end with an absolute recovery, but there are also lethal outcomes.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic fever

In most cases all types of hemorrhagic fevers have a similar current. The period of an incubation makes 1-3 weeks, the initial stage (2-7 days), the heat period (up to 2 weeks) and the reconvalescence period further follows (up to several weeks).

On an initial stage of a disease intoxication of an organism and fever which is followed by hallucinations, nonsense and a loss of consciousness is observed. Against the background of the general intoxication a characteristic symptom of hemorrhagic fever is the toxic hemorrhage. Disturbance of a cordial rhythm and a lowering of arterial pressure are noted. The general blood test testifies to a leukopenia and the accruing thrombocytopenia.

Just before approach of the period of a heat the condition of the patient is quickly normalized then there is an increase of toxicosis, the hemodynamics is broken, there are multiorgan disturbances. In the period of reconvalescence the gradual utikhaniye of symptoms of hemorrhagic fever and recovery of a normality of systems of an organism is observed.

Hemorrhagic fever promotes development of heavy complications, quite often life-threatening the patient: coma, acute renal failure, infectious and toxic shock.

Diagnosis of hemorrhagic fevers

Basis of diagnosis of hemorrhagic fevers are data of the epidemiological analysis and a clinical picture. Specific diagnosis is carried out using the following methods:

  • enzyme immunoassay (IFA);
  • serological researches (RNIF, RSK);
  • virologic method;
  • identification of viral antigens (PTsR).

The main feature of hemorrhagic fevers is thrombocytopenia and presence of erythrocytes in Calais and urine, and also presence of symptoms of anemia. Bleeding on the course of digestive tract is confirmed by the positive analysis a calla on the occult blood.Диагностика геморрагической лихорадки

The main symptoms of hemorrhagic fever with a renal syndrome are the aneosinophilia, a leukopenia, the increased maintenance of band neutrophils. In urine protein and cylinders is noted, and in blood residual nitrogen is observed.

Treatment of hemorrhagic fever

At any kind of hemorrhagic fever of the patient it is necessary to hospitalize urgently. At treatment of fever the high bed rest is prescribed the patient. It is necessary to eat the digestible semi-fluid and caloric dishes which are most saturated with vitamins: fruit and berry juice, vegetable broths, fruit drinks, dogrose infusions. Surely appoint vitamin therapy. For four days it is necessary to accept Vikasolum (vitamin K).

Besides, appoint glucose solution intravenously, and in the period of fever hemotransfusion can be made by small amounts. If necessary appoint iron preparations, campolon and antianemin. Antihistaminic drugs also are a part of complex treatment. The patient is discharged from hospital only after final recovery then some time he is observed on an outpatient basis.

Prevention of hemorrhagic fever

First of all it is necessary to take the measures directed to destruction of carriers of an infection and the prevention of stings for prevention of hemorrhagic fevers. For this purpose in places of natural distribution carry out careful cleaning of the areas prepared under the settlement of mites and mosquitoes.

In places where epidemic is especially widespread, it is recommended to wear dense clothes, gloves, boots, and also special antimicrobic masks and overalls. In forests it is recommended to use repellents.

From some types of hemorrhagic fevers carry out vaccination.

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