
The doctor geneticist is the specialist who is engaged in identification, prevention and treatment of diseases of the genetic nature.

Врач-генетик – это специалист, занимающийся выявлением, профилактикой и лечением заболеваний генетической природы

On reception address the doctor geneticist if the person in a family already has a hereditary disease established or only suspected if the child with deviations in development was born, or at it the delay in intellectual, physical development began to be observed with age.

The doctor geneticist can help women who often have abortions or dead children are born, pregnancy badly proceeds.

The geneticist and to couples which concluded kinship marriage helps.

Most often address the geneticist at a stage of planning of a family or the woman during pregnancy.

The doctor geneticist at pregnancy

Today, when the condition of ecology leaves much to be desired, consultation of the doctor geneticist is an obligatory measure for a family which wants to give birth to the healthy child. In the world about 5% of children are born with genetic deviations.

To warn such serious hereditary diseases as hemophilia, a Down syndrome, splitting of a backbone, мусковисцитоз, a neurofibromatosis, an early idiocy, daltonism and others, it is very important to address the doctor geneticist even before conception of the child not to accept upon difficult vital decisions. Except pathologies, listed, sometimes not compatible to life, the doctor geneticist will be able to warn parents and to minimize risk of development in the child of cardiovascular, cancer diseases.

At the same time not always the received results of genetic analyses is a sentence. There is a certain percent of the possible birth of the healthy child. But parents have to take the risk consciously and, as a last resort, if the forecast as bad, to choose donor conception or adoption. Also it is impossible to forget that many genetic deviations give in to adjustment.

In particular, it is important to understand that the doctor geneticist at pregnancy is especially necessary (or at a stage of its planning) if parents or only mother already were 35 years old if in a family is already one or more children with deviations of genetic character if chromosomal changes at parents are revealed if researches of biochemical markers of parents showed deviations. Besides, consultation of the doctor geneticist is considered obligatory if on ultrasonography of a fruit the deviation in development was noticed.

What is represented by genetic researches

In most cases consultation of the doctor geneticist begins with the fact that the family tree of the person who addressed on reception the geneticist or married couple is studied. Thus, on certain signs the doctor can suspect existence of a hereditary disease, define a mode of inheritance.

The patient goes the doctor geneticist for the general inspection – for an exception or confirmation and treatment of infectious, endocrine and other diseases.

After obtaining the general data about health of the patient, studying of his heredity, the geneticist can give the direction on such researches:

  • karyotype;
  • genetic screening;
  • DNA diagnosis – is most often appointed to future parents at whom the burdened heredity came to light;
  • research on fragile X-chromosome.

Whenever possible after data acquisition of analyses the geneticist appoints correctional treatment.

If the pregnant woman came to reception to the doctor geneticist, then except the researches stated above inspection of a fruit – for detection of defects in development can be appointed. They can be noninvasive is an ultrasonography, the analysis of biochemical markers of mother, or invasive – an intake of biological materials from a cavity of the uterus for carrying out researches.

Invasive researches the geneticist are appointed in extreme cases if the pregnant woman on many indicators enters into risk group as such analyses, though have high precision, can pose threat for a fruit.

How to choose the doctor geneticist

As the conclusion of the geneticist in most cases defines a possibility of the person to have children, it is necessary to choose such doctor carefully.

In this case not to do without comments on doctors geneticists of your city. Its reputation and reputation of an institution in which it works its experience matter. If in your environment there are no people who would see such doctor and could tell something, the Internet can help. Today comments on doctors geneticists, as well as on other specialists, it is possible to find on the numerous websites on medical subject. If it is about planning of a family, the websites of women's communities can become especially useful.

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