Main > Diseases> Herpes at pregnant women

Herpes at pregnant women

Herpes – the viral infection which is characterized by rashes of the grouped bubbles on skin and mucous membranes. Lips, mucous membranes of a mouth, language, eyes, external genitals act as the main areas of defeat. Distinguish two types of a virus of a herpes simplex of the person: labial (type first) and genital (type second). The herpes virus regardless of its type can proceed asymptomatically. Now contamination a virus of herpes of the population of the planet exceeds 75%. The virus of herpes of any type will not respond to treatment. However antiviral therapy effectively suppresses a virus in an organism, I interfere with manifestation of its symptoms.Герпес у беременных - опасное вирусное заболевание, которое может повлиять на развитие плода

Mechanism of infection with a herpes virus

Infection with a virus of a herpes simplex of any type happens at direct contact with the infected person. At the latent course of herpes of people can not suspect about existence of a virus of an organism. Infection with labial herpes can also occur in the airborne and household way when using someone else's personal care products, tableware. At primary infection on mucous membranes of a mouth, language, lips there are painful bubbles filled with transparent liquid.

Infection with a virus of a herpes simplex of the second type happens sexually at vaginal, proctal or oral contact. In most cases the causative agent of genital herpes is the virus of a herpes simplex of the second type (in rare instances of the first type). Condom in this case does not provide full protection as herpes can be shown on the sites of skin which are not covered by condom.

Exacerbations of both genital, and labial herpes arise during the overcooling, a stress, exhaustion, periods, other diseases, and also the factors promoting decrease in immunity.

Herpes at pregnant women: possible risks

The herpes virus at pregnant women takes the second place after a virus of a rubella (Rubella virus) on weight of the pathologies caused in a fruit. During pregnancy the organism of the woman undergoes a number of physical and hormonal changes which affect immunity of an organism.

Herpes at pregnant women proceeds in four clinical forms:

  • Primary form of herpes – infection of an organism for the first time occurs during pregnancy. The disease is characterized by clinical displays of herpes (the localized rashes). In an organism of the patient there are no antibodies to a herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 types;
  • The first episode of a virus of herpes – infection of an organism happened before pregnancy to an asymptomatic current, and clinical displays of herpes arise for the first time during pregnancy. At an organism of the patient there are antibodies to a virus of herpes of the first type and there are no antibodies to a virus of herpes of the second type;
  • Recurrent herpes at pregnant women – infection with a virus of herpes happened before pregnancy. During pregnancy there is activation of a virus, there are clinical manifestations. In the defeat center in the analysis existence of a virus of one of types is defined, at blood there are antibodies to a virus of herpes of the second type;
  • Asymptomatic virus distribution – intensive reproduction of a virus and distribution on organism cells. Such form of herpes is characteristic of pregnant women with recurrent herpes in the anamnesis.

Labial herpes at pregnant women does not constitute danger to the child developing in a womb even at his clinical manifestations during any period of pregnancy. Genital herpes at pregnant women poses big threat for a fruit.

So, genital herpes at pregnant women becomes the reason of the following complications:

  • pregnancy dying down;
  • abortion;
  • premature births;
  • delay of pre-natal fetation;
  • underdevelopment of a brain of the child – a nanocephalia;
  • edema of a brain of the child – hydrocephaly.

The herpes virus at pregnant women can be transmitted to a fruit vnutriutrobno, at the time of delivery, to a puerperal period.

Antenatal (pre-natal) infection of a fruit happens in 5% of cases. Herpes at the pregnant women infected before pregnancy is suppressed with the developed antibodies. More often infection of a fruit with a virus of herpes happens at primary form of herpes at pregnant women when in an organism of mother antibodies to a virus are not developed yet.

The greatest percent (75 – 90%) of transfer of a virus to the child occurs at the time of delivery when passing a fruit in the infected patrimonial ways.

Puerperal infection of the child occurs extremely seldom at non-compliance with rules of hygiene and direct contact of the infected mother with an active form of a virus and the child. It is necessary to consider that the virus of herpes of any type is not transmitted with breast milk (except for cases when herpetic rashes are present at nipples and mammary glands of mother).

At a recurrent form of herpes at pregnant women and timely preventive treatment of herpes at pregnant women the probability of infection of the child both vnutriutrobno, and at the time of delivery comes down to 0 – 4%.Панавир - мазь для лечения герпеса у беременных

Prevention of a virus of herpes at pregnant women

Prevention of a virus of herpes at pregnant women requires carrying out the analyses revealing existence and type of antibodies to a herpes simplex virus at registration. At detection of a virus of herpes at pregnant women and on the basis of the collected anamnesis (the period of infection with a herpes virus, the number of a recurrence, triggers provoking a recurrence) the doctor appoints preventive treatment even if clinical symptoms of a virus are absent. It is necessary to remember that the amount of the drugs resolved at pregnancy is extremely small. For this reason doctors strongly recommend carrying out inspection when planning pregnancy and preventive treatment of herpes infections that will minimize clinical displays of a virus of herpes at pregnant women.

If the woman is not the carrier of a virus of herpes of any type, then it is extremely important to protect itself from infection with a herpes virus at pregnancy. That this disease is in most cases characterized by a latent asymptomatic current the sexual partner can not know about existence of a virus in an organism. Inspection on definition of a virus there undergo both partners. At detection of a virus at the partner during pregnancy it is necessary to observe the maximum care at sexual contacts.

Treatment of herpes at pregnant women

At detection of herpes at pregnant women the doctor appoints the antiviral therapy including drugs for internal (tablet) and external (ointment) use. Treatment of herpes at pregnant women should not be conducted independently at all. The doctor, proceeding from a clinical picture of a disease, can appoint various drugs for treatment of herpes at pregnant women among whom are the most popular панавир, an acyclovir. For topical administration antiviral ointments for bystry healing of the centers are used. It is impossible to exceed doses of the registered drugs at treatment of herpes at pregnant women in order to avoid negative effects at all.

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