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What is an ulitis

Симптомы язвенного гингивита

The official medical statistics demonstrates that more than 70% of the population of our country in a varying degree suffer from bleeding of gums. One of the most common causes of such state is the ulitis – the inflammatory disease which is followed by hypostasis and bleeding of gums. The ulitis at children and adults arises owing to activity of bacteria which active reproduction leads to emergence of irritation and development of inflammatory process. In the absence of treatment the disease progresses and causes more serious effects, for example, the periodontal disease fraught with loss and denture treatment.

The most probable cause of emergence of an ulitis – an unsatisfactory condition of an oral cavity, non-compliance with elementary rules of hygiene. Besides, the disease is provoked by some drugs, low immunity, malocclusion and mechanical injuries of gums. Regardless of the reasons for which the ulitis appeared treatment of a disease has to begin as soon as possible. Urgency of medical actions it is connected both with danger of development of a periodontal disease, and with the fact that the ulitis can be only a sign of a general disease (avitaminosis, a diabetes mellitus, herpes, an allergy, a leukopenia). Respectively, the reason of an inflammation of gums will be established quicker, the chance to avoid serious consequences is higher.

Ulitis – disease symptoms

Manifestations of an ulitis depend on a disease form. Today the catarral ulitis which has the following symptoms is most widespread:

  • unpleasant feelings in gingivas;
  • smell from a mouth;
  • decrease in sensitivity of flavoring receptors;
  • bleeding of gums during toothbrushing or meal;
  • gingiva hypostasis;
  • the increased maintenance of a dental plaque.

This form of a disease is characterized by existence of the periods of an aggravation and remission. The general condition of patients changes slightly, however, during an aggravation the catarral ulitis can cause feeling of an indisposition and subfebrile temperature. Let's note also that the acute catarral ulitis which symptoms are shown during the periods of eruption and change of teeth differs in pronounced symptoms of a disease, but will well respond to treatment. The chronic form is more dangerous as inflammation symptoms are practically absent, so – treatment begins already when bacteria lead to development of a periodontal disease and other diseases of an oral cavity.

Hypertrophic ulitis – chronic inflammatory process which snips off frontal sites of both jaws and nearby soft tissues. In certain cases the hypertrophic ulitis at children is the only early symptom of disturbances of endocrine system and diseases of blood therefore it is worth treating its manifestations with all possible gravity. Characteristic signs of this form are:

  • essential increase in the sizes of a gingiva;
  • the itch, bleeding and pain amplifying at meal;
  • unpleasant smell from a mouth;
  • existence of a plaque, strongly accrete with teeth.

At easy forms of an ulitis symptoms are expressed poorly. Patients practically do not show complaints or complain only not unusual increase in a gingiva. The pronounced signs of an inflammation which are followed by severe pains are characteristic of average and heavy forms.

The ulocace (ulcer and necrotic ulitis) – is a consequence of an undertreated catarral form. Are characteristic of the initial stages of a disease: itch, hypostasis of gums, easy bleeding. Then the ulocace leads to emergence of the necroses and ulcerations covered with a gray or dirty-green plaque. Patients feel severe pain at meal, a putrefactive smell from a mouth, complain of the raised department of viscous saliva and a sleep disorder.

Ulitis – treatment of a disease

As the catarral ulitis most often is a consequence of acute infectious diseases (scarlet fever, measles, a mononucleosis, diphtheria), initial actions come down to identification of the reason of the main disease. Local therapy assumes anesthesia of a gingiva, prevention of consecutive infections, reduction of puffiness of fabrics. The catarral ulitis at children is treated by means of steroid antiinflammatory drugs, vitamin and mineral complexes and vegetable phenolic connections. The last differ in soft action, are non-toxical and have no heavy side effects therefore them are widely used at children's and teenage age.

Treatment of a hypertrophic ulitis depends on degree of manifestation of symptoms and a clinical picture of an inflammation. In most cases involvement of specialists from other fields of medicine is required (for example, the psychoneurologist if the ulitis is connected with reception of anticonvulsant drugs, or the endocrinologist if the disease develops against the background of hormonal disturbances). Also the doctor has to take care of elimination of local adverse factors – low-quality orthodontic devices, anomaly of a bite, tooth deposits, bad seals. At the diagnosis a hypertrophic ulitis treatment is based on elimination of an inflammation and the exudative phenomena. Antiinflammatory therapy is for this purpose carried out, hygienic means and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. Besides, natural antibacterial drugs and astringents of a plant origin – a sage, yarrow herbs, broth from nettle leaves are recommended to patients.

The ulcer and necrotic ulitis is characterized by a necrosis of fabrics and penetration of an inflammation into a connecting basis of a gingiva therefore the plan of medical actions is formed taking into account weight of clinical disease, age of the patient, a pathogeny of a disease and results of a bacteriological research. The patient appoints plentiful drink, a diet, protein-rich and vitamins, antihistamines. The started ulocace can demand operational surgical intervention.

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