Main > Diseases> Hypoxia


Причины хронической гипоксии и методы леченияThe hypoxia is the morbid condition which is characterized by air hunger of separate bodies and fabrics or an organism in general. Develops at a lack of oxygen of blood and the inhaled air or at disturbances of biochemical process of tissue respiration. Irreversible changes in vitals – a brain, the central nervous system, heart, kidneys and a liver become effects of a hypoxia. For prevention of complications use various pharmacological means and methods which increase delivery in an organism of oxygen and reduce the need of fabrics for it.

Hypoxia symptoms

All symptoms of a hypoxia can be subdivided conditionally on pathological and compensatory.

Treat pathological signs of oxygen insufficiency:

  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Depressions;
  • Sleeplessness;
  • Deterioration in sight and hearing;
  • Frequent headaches;
  • Pains in a breast;
  • Sinus arrhythmia;
  • Space disorientation;
  • Asthma;
  • Nausea and vomiting.

Any disturbances of work of various bodies or systems of an organism can be compensatory symptoms of a hypoxia:

  • Deep and pant;
  • Strong heartbeat;
  • Change of total amount of blood;
  • The increased level of leukocytes and erythrocytes;
  • Acceleration of oxidizing processes in fabrics.

Classification of a hypoxia

Depending on origins distinguish the following types of a hypoxia:

  • Exogenous – decrease in partial pressure of oxygen in the inhaled air with a low atmospheric pressure, in the enclosed space and on highlands;
  • Respiratory – deficit of oxygen in blood at respiratory insufficiency;
  • Gemicheskaya – reduction of capacity of blood at anemia and an inactivation of hemoglobin oxidizers or carbon monoxide;
  • Circulating – a circulatory unefficiency in heart or vessels in combination with a big arteriovenous difference on oxygen;
  • Gistotoksicheskaya – oxygen misuse by fabrics;
  • Reloading – excessive loads of bodies and fabrics at hard work, epileptic attacks and other cases;
  • Technogenic – constant stay in the contaminated environment.

The hypoxia happens acute and chronic. The acute form is short-term and appears, as a rule, after an intensive physical activity – jogs or fitness classes. Air hunger such exerts the mobilizing impact on the person and starts adaptable mechanisms. But sometimes the acute hypoxia can be caused by pathological processes – impassability of respiratory tracts, heart failure, a fluid lungs or a poisoning with carbon monoxide.

Each body has a different sensitivity to a lack of oxygen. First of all the brain suffers. For example, in the stuffy, not aired room of people becomes sluggish soon, cannot concentrate attention, tests fatigue and drowsiness. They are signs of fading of functions of a brain even at small decrease in level of oxygen in blood which quickly returns to normal in the fresh air.

The chronic hypoxia is followed by increased fatigue and happens at diseases of a respiratory organs and cardiovascular system. Smokers also constantly receive less oxygen. Quality of life considerably decreases though irreversible changes of internals happen not at once.

Extent of development of this form of a hypoxia depends on many factors:

  • Like pathology;
  • Localizations;
  • Durations and degrees of manifestation;
  • Environment conditions;
  • Individual sensitivity;
  • Features of metabolic processes.

Danger of a chronic hypoxia consists that it leads to the disturbances reducing ability of fabrics to acquire oxygen. The vicious circle is as a result formed – pathology feeds itself, leaving no chance on recovery. It concerns as the general, and a local disease which affects only a part of an organism at atherosclerosis, blood clots, an embolism, hypostases and tumors.

Hypoxia effects

The hypoxia affects work of all systems of an organism:

  • Worsens detoksitsiruyushchy and secretory functions of kidneys and a liver;
  • Breaks normal work of digestive organs;
  • Promotes dystrophic changes of connecting fabric;
  • Leads to formation of osteoporosis, arthroses, arthritises, osteochondrosis.

From the central nervous system delay of thought process, decrease in volume of the analyzed information, a memory impairment and speeds of reactions is observed.

Hypoxia effects hazardous to health and lives:

  • Organism senilism;
  • Decrease in immunity and exposure to infections;
  • Weakening of antineoplastic protection;
  • Exhaustion of adaptation reserves.

For these reasons timely diagnosis and establishment of an etiology of a hypoxia is important.

Treatment of a hypoxia

Негативные последствия гипоксииPrevention and treatment of a hypoxia are carried out taking into account the reasons which caused deficit of oxygen. As a rule, at an acute form apply injections of antigipoksant of direct action as first aid. These are such drugs as амтизол, Actovegin, инстенон, Mildronate, sodium hydroxybutyrate, триметазидин and others. At a chronic hypoxia preference is given by phytotherapies. The choice of a plant-antigipoksanta depends on what body is struck.

Treatment of a hypoxia is performed in various directions:

  • Recovery of energy balance;
  • Activation of intake of oxygen in fabric;
  • Improvement of metabolism and detoxication;
  • Reduction of need of fabrics for oxygen.

Hypoxia it is necessary to diagnose and treat in time to prevent development of other chronic diseases. It is not less important to hold preventive events as it is easier to prevent a lack of oxygen, than to eliminate its effects. For this purpose it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, to get rid of addictions, and also to go in regularly for physical culture and a hardening.

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