Main > Diseases> Dizziness


Dizziness – unpleasant feeling of the movement of the objects which are around, or themselves. Statistically, dizziness – one of the most frequent complaints of patients to the doctor. The most various diseases can become the reasons of dizziness.Головокружение - ощущение нарушения равновесия тела

The healthy person feels equilibrium state at the expense of signals from the proprioceptive, visual and vestibular systems coming to a cerebral cortex. The brain, in turn, transfers impulses in eye and skeletal muscles that provides the necessary provision of eyeglobes and a steady pose. If receipt of impulses from vestibular departments in bark of a parietal and temporal lobe is broken, there is an illusion of the movement of surrounding objects, or own body.

Types of dizziness

  • Dizziness at brain disturbances. Occurs owing to cerebellum pathologies. As the dizziness reasons the tumor, skull injuries, shift of a cerebellum or hydrocephaly, vascular disorders of a brain, an injury of cervical department of a backbone can serve here. Sharp and severe dizziness can be a cerebellum heart attack symptom. As the reason reception chemical or medicines to which the barbiturates and anticonvulsants causing dizziness, drowsiness and block belong can also serve.
  • Psychogenic dizziness. As a rule, it is shown because of strong fatigue or after strong emotional experiences. At the same time the patient can feel feeling of instability, weakness, an ambiguity in the head. Such mental disorders as alarm with the panic attacks, depersonalization, hysteria can become the morbid conditions causing dizziness.
  • Dizziness at ear pathology. Arises owing to defeat of various structures: vessels and nerves of an Eustachian tube, vestibular mechanism. It is combined, as a rule, with a sonitus and pain, a hearing loss. Cerumen impaction in outside acoustical pass is the simplest reason of dizziness.
  • Dizziness of the eye nature. Arises preferential at healthy people as a result of too strong visual stimulation. Also paralysis of eye muscles which leads to disturbance of a projection of objects to an eye retina because of what in a brain there is the "wrong" picture can become the reason of such dizziness.

How to define the dizziness reason?

About 80 reasons of dizziness are known. So, the dizziness resulting from disturbance of a vestibular mechanism or damage of an inner ear call peripheral. If dizziness results from brain diseases, then it call central.

The nature of dizzinesses, symptoms arising at the same time the frequency and duration of attacks help to define an actual reason of developing of dizziness:

  • Decrease in hearing, existence of allocations from an ear, as a rule, testifies to an inflammation of an inner ear. Treatment of dizziness at the same time conservative is preferential.
  • If dizziness is followed by vomiting and nausea, decrease in hearing, a sonitus, then existence of a syndrome of Menyer is possible. If acoustical frustration does not arise, then existence of vestibular neuritis is possible. At neuritis there is sudden and severe dizziness, in attempts to rise or the movements of the head the feeling of rotation amplifies.
  • At a strong sonitus, sudden unilateral deafness and vomiting approximately from 50% confidence it is possible to speak about a perilymphangeal fistula. Also the fistula can be shown by disorder of hearing, severe or slight dizziness.
  • When developing dizziness and a unilateral hearing loss it is necessary to be checked for existence of tumors in a brain. Often at tumors there is at first slight dizziness, and then and strong, and quite often is followed by gradually accruing headaches. At certain provisions of a body strengthening of dizziness is characteristic.
  • At a stroke and passing disturbance of cerebral circulation dizziness is followed by weakness in extremities, doubling, a lack of coordination of movements, disorder of sensitivity.
  • If together with dizziness there is a feeling of a disorientation in space, instability, it amplifies at the sudden movements, there is a feeling of pain and restriction of mobility in cervical department of a backbone, then it is worth being checked for existence of diseases in cervical department.
  • If dizziness is preceded by a spine injury or the heads, then the craniocereberal or "hlystovy" injury is the most probable cause.
  • At emergence of slight dizziness during the travel in transport, in the car or the train, travel on water, a transport motion desease is the most probable cause.
  • If dizziness is connected with sharp change of a body in space, then this benign position dizziness. This disease can be revealed by means of the simple position test.
  • At basilar migraine before a headache there can be severe dizziness which can be both short-term, and long (till several o'clock). It is followed, as a rule, by nausea and vomiting, a sonitus and other neurologic signs. Оксазепам - препарат для лечения головокружения

Diagnosis of dizziness

The main thing in diagnosis of dizziness – to establish the reason. Considering great variety of probable causes, it presents certain difficulties.

The doctor tries to find out all symptoms which accompany dizziness from the patient, defines its character (pristupoobrazny or constant) whether change of position of a body influences dizziness, whether the spine injury or the heads preceded it. Learns whether the patient accepts any medicines, etc.

For the purpose of specification of the reason the doctor appoints the next researches:

  • ECG;
  • general blood test;
  • X-ray analysis of cervical department of a backbone;
  • all-therapeutic inspection;
  • Brain MRT.

Treatment of dizziness

Preferential treatment of a rotatory vertigo has symptomatic character. Etiological treatment is carried out only at a narrow circle of diseases (basilar migraine, a bacterial labyrinthitis, temporal epilepsy, a trunk stroke, a cholesteatoma, etc.).

For prevention of dizziness the vestibulolitichesky drugs making impact on vestibular receptors and the central vestibular structures are used. Use also antihistaminic drugs, tranquilizers. Metoclopramidum helps to get rid of vomiting and nausea. At long dizziness carry out dehydration and intravenously enter diazepam.

Recently treatment of dizziness is carried out by means of a betagistin of a hydrochloride. Especially positive effect from its use is noted at Menyer's disease.

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