Main > Drugs> The mountaineer is pochechuyny

The mountaineer is pochechuyny

Трава горец почечуйныйThe mountaineer pochechuyny is the annual plant relating to family of a buckwheat family. The maximum height – 110 cm, a plant has a rod root, and a stalk at it – single, branchy, upright or ascending. Leaves at a grass have linearly - a lanceolate form, and to the basis they become wedge-shaped narrowed. Rather often from above on sheets there is a reddish spot. Flowers at a plant rather small, white or pink, having big kolosovidny cylindrical final brushes. The fruit at the mountaineer brilliant, black color, is covered with a filmy perianth, has an appearance of a trihedral nutlet or possesses a shirokoyaytsevidny form. The grass of the mountaineer pochechuyny blossoms the whole summer (June-August), and its fruits ripen from the middle of summer to the middle of fall (July-October). The plant seeds breeds.

The mountaineer pochechuyny grows in Central Asia and in the European part of the CIS, in the south of the Far East and Siberia, and also in the Caucasus, in Russia grows across all territory, except for a northern strip. Most often meets on coast of lakes, the rivers, meliorative channels, in gardens, kitchen gardens and alder thickets in the form of a weed, and also on crude meadows. Rather often the plant forms mixes or pure thickets with a set of other hygrophilous plants. Sometimes this plant is carried to group of poisonous.

still Galen, Hippocrates and Dioskorid in the works mention curative properties of the pochechuyny mountaineer. As a medicinal plant it is used in Bulgaria, Poland, India and a number of other countries. The name is directly connected with the old name of hemorrhoids which sounded as "peachwort".

Preparation of raw materials of the mountaineer pochechuyny

The grass of the mountaineer pochechuyny is used in the medicinal purposes only at the correct preparation which has to be made in a blooming period of this plant. Cut off exclusively upper parts of a grass, from the surface of the soil they are at distance of 15-25 cm. It is worth leaving about 2-3 plants on each 2-3 sq.m of all its thickets.

Raw materials in a shadow dry in the open air, but it is better to make drying on the special dryers having artificial heating, at the same time it is not necessary to establish temperature higher than 40-50 0C.

In the conditions of the slowed-down drying the grass of the mountaineer pochechuyny can turn black. Raw materials are good within 2 years. Taste at a plant bitterish, and a smell is absent in general.

Use of a grass of the mountaineer pochechuyny

Infusions and broths of the mountaineer have well-marked styptic properties which are shown in the increased coagulability and viscosity of blood, considerably increase also sokratitelny ability at smooth muscle bodies. Also drugs of the pochechuyny mountaineer have diuretic, antiinflammatory and laxative effect, strengthen function of heart, narrow vessels, at the same time do not exert considerable impact on arterial pressure.

In medicine only an upper part of this plant which is recommended for treatment of chronic locks is applied.

Extract of a grass of the pochechuyny mountaineer is effective at uterine bleedings. Infusions and broths are applied to treatment of hemorrhoidal bleedings, also they are effective at treatment of venereal and catarrhal diseases, diarrheas.

To strengthen a gingiva at a scurvy or to wash wounds, it is necessary to apply them outwardly in the form of rinsings. Infusions of the mountaineer are used also for treatment of an urolithiasis and other various diseases of kidneys.

The fresh mountaineer pochechuyny can be applied to treatment of radiculitis, gout and a headache, and also to healing of wounds as mustard plasters. Various drugs of the mountaineer can be used in complex therapy for treatment of the patients suffering from atonic locks. In traditional medicine they are appointed as additional medicine at tumors of various etiology.

Infusion of the mountaineer pochechuyny prepares from 20 g of raw materials which are placed in the enameled ware and fill in with boiled water (200 ml). After that ware is covered, and infusion is heated on the boiling water bath within 15 minutes, and then cooled 45 minutes at the room temperature. After that infusion it is necessary to filter and wring out the remained raw materials. The received infusion needs to be brought to 200 ml, adding boiled water. Accept three times a day 1 tablespoon.

Горца почечуйного траваBroth prepares from 1 tablespoon of the raw materials which are filled in with boiled water (300 ml). It is necessary to boil minutes 15, and then still to insist 2 hours then it is necessary to filter broth. Accept daily 0,5 glasses 3 times a day.

The grass of the mountaineer pochechuyny is issued in 100-gram packs, and it is necessary to store it in the dry and cool place.

Both land part, and rhizomes, and roots quite often use for giving to fabrics of yellow color. A land part and in the alcoholic beverage or wine industry is widely applied. The plant is melliferous, vitaminonosny, decorative and essential oil-bearing.

Among other things, the grass of the mountaineer pochechuyny can be cultivated as industrial culture.


As the plant possesses rather strong krovesvertyvayushchy action, it is not recommended for patients with thrombophlebitis. Also the mountaineer pochechuyny, more precisely, his seeds, are poisonous therefore it is impossible to give this grass to farm animals.

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