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Peas chick-pea

Peas chick-pea are a siliculose annual plant. Its grains have very unusual form, something reminding a blockhead with a small bird's beak. Central Asia is considered the homeland of this plant. Now it is cultivated in the countries of the Mediterranean, India, Eastern Europe, East Africa, Central and Central Asia.

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Peas chick-pea were known to people in an extreme antiquity. It not only was used in food, but also considered one of medicines.

Among bean in popularity peas chick-pea takes the third place, conceding only to peas and haricot.

Properties of peas chick-pea

Peas grains chick-pea contain a large amount of high-quality fats and proteins. In addition they are vitamin-rich A and C, potassium, magnesium, calcium and irreplaceable amino acids – tryptophane and methionine.

Telling chick-pea about useful properties of peas, it should be noted the fact that the protein which is contained in it on the quality does not concede to protein of egg. Also grains of chick-pea contain about 8% of fats and 60% of carbohydrates. On the nutritional value chick-pea does not concede peas to meat and therefore many people use it during a post. It is known as well the fact that the regular use of peas chick-pea in food is excellent prevention of many diseases of cardiovascular system.

The cellulose which is contained in peas chick-pea improves activity of digestive tract. Chick-pea it is possible to carry to useful properties of peas also that the carbohydrates which are contained in it are soaked up gradually and rather slowly, without leading to sharp increase in concentration of glucose in blood serum. Thanks to it peas chick-pea can be used in dietary food of the patients suffering from a diabetes mellitus.

In traditional medicine peas chick-pea is recommended as cataract prophylactic (the phacoscotasmus leading to decrease in visual acuity and a total blindness).

Negative properties of peas chick-pea

Chick-pea it is possible to carry to peas shortcomings that it long to prepare also possible problems with digestion. Quite often after peas dishes chick-pea is noted a meteorism and feeling of weight in a stomach. It is connected with the fact that peas chick-pea contain oligosaccharides, difficult soluble under the influence of a gastric juice. Therefore before preparation chick-pea it is necessary to soak peas not less than 12 hours, and then to cook about one and a half hours.

Peas dishes chick-pea

In the countries of Central and Central Asia peas chick-pea is a part of many national dishes. It is also milled in flour which is added then to various sauces, salads and soups.

Boiled chick-pea greens and lemon juice salad or from boiled beet, chick-pea and grains of garnet is very tasty.

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Councils for preparation of dishes from peas chick-pea

  • As snack it is recommended to use the boiled chick-pea mixed with small cut leaves of a green salad and seasoned with nutmeg, Chile, black pepper and a coriander.
  • If you want to prepare option of Middle Eastern paste, then it is necessary to add to spaghetti boiled chick-pea, greens, small pieces of cheese feta and olive oil.
  • As second course it is possible to advise to make stewed chick-pea. For this purpose peas are soaked, and then boiled to readiness. Slightly fry onions and small cut carrots on a deep frying pan. Add to vegetables peas chick-pea, small cut tomatoes and walnuts. Salt and pepper to taste. You extinguish about half an hour on slow fire. Before giving strew from above with small cut greens.
  • Boiled chick-pea can be added to any vegetable soups. It will allow not only to increase nutrition value of soup, but also taste will improve its structure, and the most important.

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According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.