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Грипп - одно из наиболее распространенных инфекционных заболеванийGeneral characteristic of a disease

Flu is one of the most widespread infectious diseases, concerns to group of acute respiratory viral infections.

Influenza viruses which at the moment there are more than 2000 types cause this disease. These viruses can extend in the form of epidemics which raising falls, as a rule, on the autumn and winter period, and pandemics which are registered each 30-40 years. Many patients treat flu rather scornfully, including it usual "cold" while annually about 250-500 thousand people die of this disease in the world.

People of all age categories are susceptible to an influenza virus, however this disease constitutes the greatest danger to elderly people, children, pregnant women, and also the people having pulmonary diseases and hearts. A source of flu is already sick person who to the environment allocates a virus by means of cough, sneezing etc. Having the aerosol mechanism of transfer (inhalation of drops of slime, saliva), flu extends quickly enough – the patient represents danger to people around within a week, since the first hours of infection.

Flu symptoms

Flu which symptoms are not specific cannot almost be distinguished from other SARS without special laboratory researches.

The diagnosis "flu" in practice is established preferential only on the basis of an epidemic situation.

The disease, as a rule, sharply begins: body temperature rises to 38-400C, is shivering, a headache, the aching joint pains and muscles, weakness. It is impossible to call allocations from a nose a symptom, typical for flu, as, on the contrary, are characteristic dryness in a nose and a throat of this disease. In most cases there is intense dry cough Симптомы гриппа без исследований практически невозможно отличить от ОРВИ which is followed by pain in a breast. Survey of the patient can reveal still such symptoms of flu as a hyperemia of the person, arterial hypotension, an injection of scleras ("red eyes"), granularity and a hyperemia of a hard and soft palate, relative bradycardia.

Flu symptoms usually remain within 3-5 days then the patient is on the mend.

At a severe form of a disease of the most frequent complications otitises, sinusitis, pneumonia are, however development and such effects as wet brain, a vascular collapse, a hemorrhagic syndrome, accession of secondary bacterial complications, an exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible.

Treatment of flu

The long time treatment of flu was only symptomatic and assumed reception of febrifugal, expectorant, antibechic drugs, vitamins, in particular high doses of ascorbic acid, and also observance of a bed rest and the use of enough liquid. Today the symptomatic treatment of flu did not lose the relevance, however at the same time the understanding that, in addition to elimination of symptoms of a disease, it is necessary to fight directly and against its reason, that is with a virus came.

Drugs at flu have to be appointed by the doctor, today is effectively treated by antiviral drugs provided that their reception will be begun even before clinical displays of a disease.

For suppression of spread of a virus in an organism, decrease in weight of symptoms, reductions of duration of a disease and reduction of frequency of secondary complications it is recommended to accept such antiviral drugs as Zanamivir and Ozeltamivir (Tamiflu). These flu medicine is effective concerning many strains of flu, however their reception is possible only to destination and under control of the doctor. For blocking of proton pumps and prevention of penetration of a virus into cells use the drugs Rimantadinum and Amantadin. The antiviral and immunostimulating properties interferon drugs (Grippferon, Ingaron, Amisin) and interferon inductors (Kagotsel, Tsikloferon) have, however independent treatment of flu these medicines is undesirable, the doctor has to make the decision on expediency of their reception.

Also homeopathic flu medicine among which Otsillokoktsinum representing extract of heart and liver of a musky duck is widely popular have the right for existence. In spite of the fact that producers of some drugs on the basis of animal organisms or plants extracts claim that their means are effective in treatment and prevention of flu, as a rule, these statements have no clinical confirmations.

Prevention of flu

The flu inoculation represents a traditional way of the prevention of a disease. Vaccination is most shown to children, elderly children, patients with chronic diseases of lungs and hearts, to doctors. The flu inoculation assumes introduction to the healthy person of the live, inactivated vaccine containing antigens usually of three virus strains which are selected on the basis of WHO recommendations.

Экстренная профилактика гриппа - введение НазоферонаThe emergency prevention of flu it is possible to call intranasal (drops in a nose) administration of interferon (Nazoferon) which is reasonable for applying after close communication with infected. Also at direct contact with the patient can save use of a gauze bandage, use of Remantadinum or greasing from infection with flu Oxolinic ointment of the nasal courses.

Nonspecific prevention of flu assumes: airing of the room, frequent washing of hands special means, wet cleaning using disinfectants, and also disinfecting of air by means of ultra-violet radiation, catalytic cleaners, aerosol disinfectors. For maintenance of the immunity capable to resist to a virus, it is necessary to include in a diet products, vitamin-rich, lactobacilli, and also to use honey, propolis, a uterine milk.

The prevention of a flu epidemic in many respects depends on consciousness of already sick person who needs to avoid public places with big accumulation of people for whom sick, especially coughing and sneezing, constitutes potential danger of infection.

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