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Angina pectoris

General information about angina pectoris

Грудная жаба - симптомы

On angina pectoris frustration of cardiovascular system at which the amount of the blood arriving to heart muscles becomes insufficient for ensuring normal life activity of this body is understood. Most often angina pectoris which symptoms can be expressed as as insignificant trouble breathing and the most severe pains in retrosternal area, arises owing to atherosclerosis of arteries. Especially strongly symptoms of a disease are shown during operational loads (physical tension, bystry walking). However, situations when attacks of angina pectoris are not connected with the raised load of heart are quite often observed and are explained by dominance of a tone of a vagus nerve.

Among the factors influencing emergence and a course of a disease it is also necessary to note: overcooling of an organism, smoking, psychoemotional tension, stomach diseases, hernia of an esophageal opening of a diaphragm, inflammatory changes of coronary arteries. It means that at the diagnosis angina pectoris treatment has to be directed not only to elimination of the main symptoms, but also to disposal of that disease which led to emergence of attacks.

Angina pectoris – symptoms and a clinical picture

The main symptom of a disease is severe pain in retrosternal area or in an upper part of heart. If not to pay attention to unpleasant symptoms, pain gradually extends to other body parts – interscapular space, a shoulder, the right side. As a rule, attacks appear at coincidence of certain conditions – bystry walking, after an exit from the warm placement on cold or physical exercises. Besides, meal, a high position of a diaphragm and swelling of intestines can provoke an attack.

Situations when angina pectoris arises days at night are especially unpleasant. In this case the person wakes up from sharp, time of intolerable pains, fear, dizziness and attacks of vomiting. Night angina pectoris which symptoms are sometimes shown within 30 and more minutes is stopped by means of nitroglycerine. The single dose of medicine is enough to take off strong pain and again to try to fall asleep.

During attacks at patients the characteristic behavior as it is impossible more brightly testimonial of the nature of a disease is observed. The person as if freezes, at the same time his face gets concentrated, the look of suffering, turns pale, becomes covered plentiful, cold then. Cases when angina pectoris leads to a frequent urination are frequent. Besides, during attacks at patients pulse is slowed down, arterial pressure increases, symptoms of tachycardia are observed. The emergency medical care has to be provided to the patient in especially hard cases, otherwise angina pectoris can lead to serious complications and even the death of the person.

Let's notice that it is necessary to differentiate pains at angina pectoris from pains at neurosis. The last longer, aching are also localized not behind a breast, and in cordial area. At the same time they are, as a rule, not connected with walking or other exercise stresses.

As for features of development of a disease. Almost always it has a chronic current. Attacks can disappear for several months or years, but then again declare themselves, and is much more often and stronger. For this reason, at the diagnosis angina pectoris, treatment it is necessary to begin as soon as possible. Otherwise, at patients the myocardial infarction and other pathological changes of cardiovascular system, including a cardiosclerosis, disturbances of a cordial rhythm, symptoms of insufficiency of heart develops.

Angina pectoris – treatment and prevention of a disease

Лечение грудной жабы

Several words about what should be done during an attack. The patient has to stop any exercise stresses, accept a quiet, relaxed pose, take care of continuous inflow of heat to hands and legs (hot-water bottles are for this purpose used). At the first signs of an attack it is necessary to accept any vasodilator – nitroglycerine or validol. The last acts more weakly and less reliably. If at the patient angina pectoris which symptoms are shown in the form of severe pains, his state is observed it is possible to facilitate by means of mustard plasters and bloodsuckers on heart.

If vasodilators do not result in the expected result sick enter Promedolum, morphine or Omnoponum. Effectively at severe pains and nitrous oxide mix inhalation with air. Anticoagulants of indirect action, for example, neodicoumarin, are especially good at persistent attacks, but it is necessary to use them only under control of the doctor. Amateur performance in this case is absolutely inadmissible as drugs – strong and have a set of side effects.

Is of great importance in treatment of angina pectoris also not medicinal methods – remedial gymnastics, walks, trips to profile sanatoria, physiotherapeutic procedures. The patient has to refuse smoking and alcohol, to lead a healthy lifestyle, to take care of a full-fledged dream, rational alternation of work and rest.

Prevention of a disease comes down to fight against atherosclerosis and an idiopathic hypertensia, a balanced diet, providing a sufficient dream and refusal of addictions.

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Our kidneys are capable to clear three liters of blood in one minute.