Main > Drugs> Chloroform


Chloroform – the drug for an inhalation anesthesia surpassing several times ether in force of narcotic influence.Эмульсия Хлороформ

Pharmacological action

Narcotic properties of Chloroform are shown in gradual obtusion of sensitivity and decline of energy for life activity. It is shown in the form of a condition of devocalization or intoxication of the patient which are followed by various illusions, nonsense, the movements of a body. Effect of Chloroform is identical both to animal organisms, and to plants, bacteria, and fungi. The result of use of Chloroform is identical to all – suspension of life activity and growth.

The condition of total loss of sensitivity under the influence of drug is called the Chloroformic anesthesia.

Release form

Chloroform is produced in the form of an emulsion for external use.

Indications to Chloroform use

Use of Chloroform is directly connected with properties of Chloroform. According to the instruction of Chloroform it is applied at detection at the patient of neuralgia or a miositis. It was used for the general anesthesia earlier, but because of a set of side effects decided to refuse it.

Eventually it was succeeded to develop a way of anesthetization at which harmful properties of Chloroform are minimized – use of Chloroform with a large amount of oxygen and very exact dosage.

Route of administration

Ингаляционный наркоз ХлороформAccording to the instruction of Chloroform it is applied in two ways: outwardly and inside. For external use Chloroform serves one of mix components for grindings. At use inside Chloroform helps at vomiting, abdominal pains and a hiccups (on 1 tablespoon of Chloroformic water 3-4 times a day).

Side effects of Chloroform

When using Chloroform for a lulling to slip by inhalation drug causes weakening of cordial activity that leads to bystry falling of blood pressure, up to a collapse or a cardiac standstill. At a proglatyvaniye of vapors of Chloroform the irritation mucous a stomach is possible, at direct influence of vapors – irritation mucous eyes and airways.

Property of Chloroform to get into the unimpaired skin leads to irritations, and sometimes and to a strong inflammation.

Chloroform can cause drug addiction – toxicomania which is connected with Chloroform abuse inside.


Chloroform is contraindicated at hypersensitivity of the patient to active ingredient. In case of topical administration Chloroform should not be applied if are found in the patient on a body of a disease of skin or the purulent phenomena in a drug site of application.

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