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Immunology – the industry of medical science which studies immunity, pathologies and functioning of immune system. This science explains the main mechanisms of preservation of biological identity and constancy of internal environment of an organism. For a century of existence of science immunologists solved a large number of problems, and also made a number of the major discoveries. So, in 1976 Edward Jenner developed a technique of artificial immunization against smallpox. In 1800 Louis Pasteur developed the basic principles of creation of vaccines against a malignant anthrax and rage. In 1887 the phagocytosis phenomenon was opened by Ilya Mechnik. He formulated the phagocytal (cellular) theory of immunity. In 1900 Karl Landshteyner allocated the main blood groups of the person. For the last hundred ten years the Nobel Prize in the field of physiology and medicine eighteen times was received by immunologists. Thanks to immunologists organ transplantation and hemotransfusion is possible, there are vaccines against poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tuberculosis and other serious illnesses. The priority purposes of immunology include treatment of AIDS, development of vaccines against various diseases, the help to the people having autoimmune diseases and an allergy.

Иммунолог – врач, который осуществляет лечение и диагностику болезней, возникающих вследствие нарушения иммунной системы

When consultation of the immunologist is necessary

The immunologist – the doctor who performs treatment and diagnosis of the diseases arising owing to disturbance of immune system. The immunologist inspects lymph nodes, immune system, absorbent vessels.

The immunologist treats various allergic reactions, and also immunodeficiency which divide on primary and secondary. Primary immunodeficiences are caused by genetic factors. As a result of genetic failure due to the lack of certain elements of protection (proteins, antibodies, receptors) the human body loses ability to fight against some types of infections. Autoimmune diseases also belong to primary immunodeficiences. At people with primary immunodeficience infectious diseases mucous, skin, respiratory tracts, parasitic infections, anemias and even tumors are often observed. Long infections against the background of secondary immunodeficience can arise from avitaminosis, infectious diseases in an acute form, radiations, helminthic invasions, smoking, burns and a loss of blood, treatment by the medicines oppressing immune system.

To the immunologist it is necessary to register in consultation at year-round allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis, food allergy, food intolerance, a so-called asthmatic triad – asthma, a rinosinusita and intolerance of analgetics. Proceeding from responses, the immunologist is capable to distinguish a hereditary immunodeficiency from acquired and to timely define the genetic reason of an immunodeficiency. Consultation of the immunologist is necessary at a chronic itch of skin, dermatitis, reactions to drugs, stings of insects and animal, toksiko-allergic reactions, dermatitis, pustulous diseases of skin, a persistent recurrent herpes infection, lymphadenitis and a syndrome of chronic fatigue. An important point in treatment of these diseases is elimination of the negative impact which provoked their emergence.

Order of carrying out reception of the immunologist

On the eve of reception of the immunologist it is necessary to make blood test on HIV, to make the general blood test, and also to pass an immunological blood analysis.

Judging by responses, the immunologist at the beginning of consultation in detail interviews the patient for clarification of data on allergic reactions and hereditary pathologies, performs primary inspection and gets acquainted with the anamnesis. By results of survey the immunologist can appoint the analysis of humoral immunity, a research of cellular immunity, inspection regarding viral and infectious diseases, an allergological research, the analysis to parasites, and also inspection on autoimmune diseases.

Proceeding from responses, the immunologist usually paints a course of treatment for very long period and uses various drugs and methods. The immunologist selects medicines after obtaining results of an immunogramma – an indicator of the condition of immune system determined by blood test. It shows how the immune system of an organism resists viruses. Immunogramma – the peculiar control indicating a weak link of immune system.

On reception the immunologist reveals a weak link in a human body and takes all necessary measures for recovery of barrier functions of an organism. He appoints reception of various immunoexcitants, recreational physical actions, observance of a diet, cleaning of an organism.

The immunologist also provides recommendations concerning the subsequent way of life of the patient.

Whether you know that:

Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.