Main > Diseases> Myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction

Short characteristic of a problem

Инфаркт миокарда

Each person at least once in life heard the word "myocardium", but about what is it – know units. The myocardium represents a cardiac muscle to which blood constantly arrives. This muscle provides distribution of an impulse between various departments of heart and, as a result, it is vital for maintenance of normal work of body. If for any reasons there is an arterial occlusion, delivering blood to a myocardium, so important site of heart remains without oxygen. The muscle lives in "the autonomous mode" no more than 20-30 minutes then there is that myocardial infarction – irreversible death of muscular tissue and their subsequent scarring. In the absence of the help this process leads to the death of the person as "road" on which cordial impulses extend from department to department collapses.

In recent years the myocardial infarction promptly looks younger. If earlier the disease generally affected elderly people, then today destruction of cardiovascular system is even more often noted at young people to 30 years. It means that at the diagnosis a myocardial infarction, treatment can be required by any of us, regardless of age and the place of residence. Certainly, there are also provocative factors which can accelerate process of emergence of a heart attack. It them we will talk in the following section of our article.

Why there is a myocardial infarction?

The main cause of illness – atherosclerosis of vessels which in a varying degree is present at each person. First vasoconstriction does not give to the patient a special inconvenience, but over time this process gains pathological character. Except atherosclerosis, dying off of fabrics can be caused also by other reasons:

  • the age – most often an acute myocardial infarction is observed at people, 50 years are more senior;
  • sex of the person – men get sick more often than women;
  • hereditary factors – risk to have a heart attack above if any of members of your family was ill it;
  • the increased content of cholesterol, improper feeding;
  • smoking – one of the main reasons for which there is a myocardial infarction (symptoms of dying off of fabrics are observed at 9 of 10 smokers);
  • slow-moving way of life;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Each of the above-mentioned reasons significantly increases risk of "acquaintance" to a deadly disease, and in total they do this "meeting" inevitable. You remember it when you begin to smoke the next cigarette or you eat absolutely useless hamburger, sitting in front of the favourite TV.

What occurs at a myocardial infarction?

During life on walls of our blood vessels fatty deposits accumulate. At some people this process happens slowly, at others – much quicker. On reaching critical weight, fats form a so-called atherosclerotic plaque. Walls of this education can burst at any time that is the first symptom of the coming heart attack. On site cracks the blood clot right there appears. It quickly grows in the sizes and, eventually, forms blood clot which the internal space of a vessel can block completely. As a result, the blood stream up to an artery stops, and at the person the myocardial infarction develops (first aid during an attack assumes introduction to the patient of vasodilators to recover normal blood supply). Let's notice also that, the corked vessel is larger, the quicker there is a process of dying off of cells, the large artery supplies with oxygen big sites of a myocardium.

Myocardial infarction – symptoms and a clinical picture of a disease

The main sign allowing to suspect life-threatening states is pain in retrosternal area. It does not pass even is at rest and quite often sent to the next parts of a body – a shoulder, a back, a neck, a hand or a jaw. Pain, unlike the same stenocardia, can arise for no reason whatever. At the same time they very strong also do not disappear after nitroglycerine reception. If you feel similar symptoms, then immediately call "Ambulance". The earlier help after a myocardial infarction will be given, the chance to avoid serious complications and to continue normal, full-fledged life is higher.

Let's note also other symptoms of a disease:

  • the complicated breath;
  • nausea, vomiting attacks;
  • unpleasant feelings in a stomach;
  • interruptions in heart;
  • loss of consciousness

It should be noted that the person can have a myocardial infarction and will not even understand what happened to it. This situation is characteristic of a bezbolevy form of a disease which is most often observed at the patients suffering from a diabetes mellitus.

Myocardial infarction – treatment and rehabilitation

Лечение инфаркта миокарда

For rendering the qualified medical care of the patient hospitalize to the intensive care care unit of clinic. It is quite normal practice. If the diagnosis a myocardial infarction is made to the patient, first aid has to be given during the first hours after an attack. The main task of doctors at the same time – to dissolve "fresh" blood clot, to expand blood vessels and to recover natural blood supply. For prevention of emergence of new blood clots to the patient enter the drugs which are slowing down blood turning. As a rule, in the similar purposes usual aspirin is used. Applying it right after a myocardial infarction, doctors can reduce quantity of complications and serious effects.

Very often the myocardial infarction is treated by means of beta-blockers – the drugs reducing the need of fabrics for oxygen. Economical cardiac performance is very important during an attack and therefore researchers constantly work on search of new technologies which would allow to solve a kislorodosnabzheniye problem without threat for the patient's life. Some of such developments, for example, the invasive method or balloon angioplasty, are really very perspective.

What needs to be undertaken if the person endured a myocardial infarction. Rehabilitation in this case is not less important, than treatment, the most insignificant loadings are even dangerous to the injured heart. Before the patient, the transferred acute myocardial infarction, was not roused at least several weeks. Modern technologies of treatment allow to reduce considerably this term, but anyway adaptation to new life is necessary for the person. The ideal option – to go on the vacation in any known sanatorium, and to consult upon return to the doctor which will appoint remedial gymnastics, will pick up necessary drugs and will make other recommendations urgent during the rehabilitation period.

Whether you know that:

Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.