Main > Diseases> Kidney heart attack

Kidney heart attack

Heart attack of a kidney is called rather rare urological disease at which there is a death of renal fabric (necrosis) owing to Инфаркт почки происходит в результате гибели почечной ткани the complete and sudden cessation on a large renal arterial vessel of a blood-groove. This disease generally occurs at people of mature and advanced age.

Unlike it, at newborn children the urate heart attack of a kidney at which in kidneys in a large number crystals of urates are formed is quite often observed. The urate heart attack of kidneys in most cases does not demand performing treatment from newborns and passes independently.


The kidney heart attack most often develops as a result of obstruction of a renal vessel emboluses which source usually is pristenochny blood clot of a left ventricle or auricle. Therefore quite often the heart attack of a kidney arises as one of complications of various cardiovascular diseases:

  • Ciliary arrhythmia;
  • Infectious endocarditis;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Defects of the mitral valve;
  • Nodular periarteritis;
  • Myocardial infarction.

Also the heart attack of a kidney can develop at the patients who transferred an operative measure on a renal artery or with the ascending aorta thrombosis.

The urate heart attack of a kidney at newborns arises under the influence of a patrimonial stress. Very seldom urate heart attack of a kidney can be observed also at the adult patients having gout, a leukosis, extensive purulent or tumoral processes at which considerable disintegration of fabric is observed.

Kidney heart attack: symptoms

The clinical picture at a heart attack of a kidney depends on the volume of the site of a necrosis of renal fabric. At an insignificant heart attack of a kidney symptoms can be absent completely. Large heart attacks of a kidney are shown by the sharp, expressed pains in a waist, emergence in urine of impurity of blood (hamaturia), at some patients decrease in a diuresis is noted. Since 2 – 3 days from the beginning of a disease at patients body temperature (37,0 - 37,5) increases, the arterial hypertension arising at the expense of ischemia of the fabrics surrounding a necrosis zone is observed. Other symptoms of a heart attack of a kidney are severe nausea and vomiting.

At an urate heart attack of a kidney opacification of urine and change of its color with acquisition of a brown shade is observed. On pampers and diapers characteristic spots of henna-red color are formed. The same light the deposit can be seen also around an urethral opening. In the analysis to urine at an urate heart attack of kidneys the high content of urates (ammonium and sodium salts of uric acid) is found.

Treatment of a heart attack of kidneys

At Клиническая картина инфаркта почкиa kidney heart attack the patient appoint a high bed rest. For prevention of repeated blocking of renal arteries and a further thrombogenesis appoint anticoagulants (the substance reducing a blood coagulation). Within the first three hours from the beginning of a disease use of the thrombolytic medicines capable to dissolve the blood clot which corked a branch of a renal artery is justified.

For recovery of a normal renal blood-groove performing balloon angioplasty is in certain cases shown. Through a femoral artery the doctor enters a special catheter with a barrel on the end. Then it under control of X-ray is advanced in the corked renal artery. After the doctor will be convinced of the correct provision of a catheter, it inflates a barrel, crushing thereby the blood clot corking her. This operation is carried out during the first hours development of a disease, the necrosis of renal fabric did not develop yet, and there is a high probability of recovery of its functions.

And here treatment of an urate heart attack of kidneys, despite the frightening name of this disease, is not carried out. At newborns the urate heart attack of kidneys belongs to so-called tranzitorny (transitional) states and is option of physiological norm. The child is given plentiful drink that leads to increase in a diuresis and washing away from kidneys of crystals of salts of uric acid. As a result of it symptoms of an urate heart attack of kidneys gradually pass and completely disappear by 10 – 15 day of life of the kid.

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