Infectious erythema – the disease caused by a virus of the person of the B19 type. Today the disease is not studied yet sufficiently though the main reasons and ways of infection are already revealed.
The infectious erythema is especially widespread among children though adults can also get sick. The disease belongs to respiratory infections as it is transferred in the airborne way.
The infectious erythema at children with the weakened immunity can testify to diseases of blood or existence of any chronic diseases.
The symptomatology of a disease can differ depending on various factors: age, existence of problems with system of blood, the accompanying pathologies, etc. The very first symptoms of an infection are respiratory signs which remind the early period of cold or flu. Body temperature increases, there is cold, an itch in a nose, sneezing, irritation and a pharyngalgia, a headache, a fever, a loss of appetite, the general weakness of an organism.
In several days on a body there is rash. At some patients rash is followed by the expressed weakness in muscles and joints. In clinical signs the infectious erythema is similar to different diseases therefore doctors often find it difficult to make the right diagnosis.
Often the disease is confused to other viral and microbic infections: roseola, clumsy rubella, scarlet fever, measles. Sometimes the infectious erythema can be confused with various allergic reactions to some medical supplies or contact dermatitis. With similar symptoms some diseases of connecting fabric proceed: system lupus erythematosus, pseudorheumatism, scleroderma.
The symptoms similar to catarrhal belong to the main manifestations of an infectious erythema. They arise later couple of days after impact of a virus on an organism. For the patient they often remain almost unnoticed. At the subclinical course of a disease rash can be short-term and then the patient does not realize at all that he was ill. The typical current is followed by pains in a stomach and the head, joint pains, temperature increase to 38 degrees, a febricula.
Rash is, as a rule, shown on a body for the fifth day since the moment a zarazheniyanetipichny current there can be an infectious erythema without rash.
Display of rash has a certain character and happens in several stages. Initially there are bright red rashes on cheeks. The person at the same time looks so as if child of an otkhlestala on cheeks. Sometimes the rash extends to a forehead and a chin. Similar rash keeps several days then completely disappears.
At the second stage the rash occurs in a trunk, a neck, on shoulders and forearms, buttocks, knees and in an upper part of shins. Externally rash looks as red round spots which expand afterwards in the form of "laces". Rashes are followed by an itch and keep on a body about a week then completely disappear. However, under the influence of the sun or a stress can appear on the same places again and not descend up to three weeks. Developing of repeated rash at all not necessarily speaks about an aggravation of symptoms.
The infectious erythema can cause various complications in children, but not always. First of all, for a disease synthesis of erythrocytes (red blood cells) can stop. As a rule, this complication at healthy people passes unnoticed and does not cause vital issues with a hemopoiesis.
If the patient already has problems with system of blood and erythrocytes in particular (a sickemia, a thalassemia), then it can provoke serious complications in system of blood. The temporary termination of development of erythrocytes can be shown in aplastic crisis lasting up to 7-10 days.
Even more dangerous the infectious erythema is for people with aplastic anemia. At these patients the disease is followed by apathy, fever attacks, a cardiopalmus and other unpleasant symptoms.
The infectious erythema at children with an immunodeficiency can develop into a chronic form that as a result will lead to development of serious defeat of a hemopoiesis and marrow with formation of persistent anemia.
As it was already written earlier, laboratory and clinical diagnosis of this disease presents certain difficulties. As a rule, the infectious erythema can be assumed on availability of "laces", typical for rash.
For diagnosis of an infectious erythema it is necessary to carry out a number of laboratory analyses: serological inspections for identification of a number of antibodies to a virus, the general blood tests for determination of level of erythrocytes in blood. Also the quantity of thrombocytes and leukocytes as they also participate in process of a hemopoiesis is important and decrease together with red blood cells.
The general blood test gives also the chance to estimate efficiency of therapy and the beginning of the period of recovery.
At emergence of an infectious erythema at children and adults house treatment is shown. The principle of treatment same, as well as at all viral infections. For the period of fever it is necessary to observe a bed rest and to accept a large amount of liquid, and also symptomatic and antiviral drugs.
It is important to note that existence of the second and third wave of rash does not testify to weight of disease, and is its characteristic. For the period of a disease it is worth limiting reception of hot bathtubs, and also stay in the sun and in a sunbed as it provokes repeated rashes.
At treatment of an infectious erythema antibiotics are not appointed as this viral disease. However prescription of antibiotics is possible if quinsy, otitis, pneumonia or microbic complications joins a disease.
A certain danger is constituted by a disease during pregnancy, and also for people with diseases of blood or the weakened immunity. In that case treatment of an infectious erythema can be carried out in the conditions of a hospital under constant control of laboratory indicators and a hemopoiesis. To pregnant women in addition appoint ultrasonography of a condition of a fruit, and also the developed analyses to blood and coagulability.
No quarantine measures at treatment of an infectious erythema are taken as the patient from the moment of emergence of rash becomes absolutely not infectious therefore at good health can quite lead a usual life.
At present scientists actively develop a vaccine against the B19 virus therefore it is not excluded that vaccination against this disease will be carried out in the near future.
Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.
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