
Useful properties of a fig

The fig is a subtropical fruit of a tree of family mulberry, containing tannins, proteins, organic acids, carotene, ascorbic acid, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sugar. Caloric content of fresh fig – 74 kcal in 100 g of the fruit cleared of a peel, and dried – 249 kcal. Fresh fig contains about 25% of sugar, and in dried – to 40%.

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Thanks to the potassium which is contained in fruits such useful properties of a fig are known: it expands and weakens blood vessels, serves as good prophylactic at a hypertension, is useful at diseases of veins and cardiovascular pathologies.

Besides the fig for cough, a lock helps, at anemia, diseases of a liver, spleen, strong heartbeat.

Also fruits influence coagulability of blood – they contain ficin and therefore they help at fibrinferment of vessels.

The fig only with a black peel is famous for the useful properties, and the white fruit is of interest only as a food stuff.

Use of a fig

At cold as febrifugal, sudorific drink fig broth: two spoons of a dried fig are cooked in 200 ml of milk or water. Such broth it is possible to rinse a throat at quinsy, he well removes inflammations of bronchial tubes, tracheas, throats, gums.

For bigger advantage recommend to use a fig with milk: 4-5 fruits pound with a glass of milk, drink this means warmed up 2-4 times a day, on 100 ml. The fig for cough well helps with such look.

The fruits of a fig which are boiled thoroughly in milk accelerate maturing of purulent abscesses and various skin inflammations treat.

Aqueous fig solution helps to shatter and bring stones out of kidneys, it relieves an urodynia. Prepare solution so: 3-5 fig fruits fill in 200 ml of boiled water, cook 5 min. on slow fire, and pound. Accept means the whole day, between meals.

Leaves of a fig tree also apply in medicine. Infusion from them helps at baldness and vitiligo: two spoons of the table crushed leaves fill in 400 ml of boiled water, insist 60 min., filter, drink in 15 min. prior to food 100 ml 4 times a day.

At abscesses, quinsy infusion of the dried-up fig leaves on milk helps: two tablespoons of leaves are the share of 400 ml of the boiling milk. Infusion rinse a throat and foment.

Thanks to the nutritiousness and rather low caloric content the fig can be included in a daily diet, it is well acquired and therefore it can be used for day as having a snack. Besides a dried fig, thanks to the sugar which is contained in it and pleasant taste it is possible to use it as a dessert and to replace with it sweets rich with complex carbohydrates. In order to avoid harm a fig nutritionists recommend to eat it only in the afternoon, till 18:00.

Besides, the dried fig is considered a dietary product because contain in it the cellulose clearing intestines and fat an acid omega, helping to fight against "harmful" cholesterol, stimulating brain activity. Choosing a dried fig, it is necessary to pay attention to the whole equal fruits of light color which did not contract and were not deformed when drying.

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Harm of a fig, contraindication to its use

The fig has no serious contraindications, in the absence of individual sensitivity it is possible to use it long time that is required, for example, at treatment by a fig of cough long, anemias, chronic bronchitis.

Because of the contained oxalic acid fruits are contraindicated at gout.

At diabetes, considering the high content of sugar and caloric content, the fig cannot be used.

The fig because of the cellulose which is in it can do harm to those who suffer from an acute inflammation of a stomach, intestines.

Whether you know that:

Work which to the person not to liking, is much more harmful to his mentality, than lack of work in general.