
Already for many thousands of years eggs enter a diet of the person. Nevertheless, disputes between doctors and nutritionists concerning advantage and harm of eggs do not stop to this day.

Яйца куриные сырые


Egg represents the food stuff of an asymmetric and oval form from above covered with a shell under which there is an egg white and yolk inside. Receive this product from various breeds of domestic hens owing to their reproductive ability.

People began to breed hens about 10 thousand years ago, presumably in Southeast Asia and China. At first the dzhunglevy hens belonging to family of Fazanov who and now it is possible to meet in the territory of these countries were cultivated.

Now in addition to farms, poultry farms from around the world are engaged in production of eggs. According to preferences, in a number of the countries prefer to part the breeds of hens laying white and light yellow eggs (in America and Russia they are considered better), or brown (in Great Britain). Actually flavoring and nutritious properties of white and brown eggs identical and their only difference consists that the brown shell is a little stronger and thicker therefore they are more suitable for transportation.

Color of a yolk is influenced by a forage which chicken eats. The more in a stern of carotinoids (a natural pigment of red and yellow color), the nasyshchenny there will be a color of a yolk. Carotinoids contain in a lucerne, corn and other plants with which traditionally feed hens. For this reason home-made eggs have the yolk which was more sated on color more often. But the light yolk does not speak about bad quality of egg but only that the forage which chicken ate contained few carotinoids.

During receipt of eggs in sale they are marked depending on category and an admissible period of storage. Marking, however, is present only at products from poultry farms, and the home-made eggs selling in the market are free from all classifications. The buyer buys this product at own risk. Marking consists of letters and figures in which information on weight and age of a product disappears. So, for example, the letter "D" says that egg dietary, and a letter "C" - that egg table. The letter "B" means that egg of the highest category and weighs more than 75 g, "About" - selected eggs weighing 65-75 g, figure "1" costs on eggs of the first category weighing 55-65 g, "2" - the second category weighing 45-55 g, "3" - on eggs of the third category weighing 35-45 g. Table eggs of the second category, that is "C2" are the most widespread.

Use in cookery

Culinary opportunities of eggs surpass many food stuffs. They are baked in an oven, cooked hard-boiled or soft-boiled, do omelets and fried eggs, salted, pickled, added to cocktails, pastries, salads, toasts, cutlets. In many products from the test of egg are indispensable ingredient without which magnificent and tasty confectionery will not turn out.

Freshness of eggs can be defined in several ways. In cookery use as fresh eggs, and 2-3-hnedelnoy prescription. On condition of the correct storage (7-13 degrees) it is possible not to be afraid that eggs will lose the nutritious properties. Fresh eggs perfectly will be suitable for preparation of a pashot and fried eggs. But if to hard-boil fresh eggs, they are badly cleaned therefore for preparation of salads and other dishes with boiled eggs it is better to use a product which some time already lay down in the refrigerator. In sauces, omelets, baked puddings, the test and other dishes where outward is not important, the period of storage does not play a special role (naturally, within limits).

Structure and caloric content of eggs

In 100 g of egg 76,15 g of water, 12,56 g of proteins, 9,51 g of fats, 2,5 g of cellulose, 1,06 g of ashes, 0,72 g of carbohydrates contain; vitamins: Retinolum (A), thiamin (B1), Riboflavinum (B2), Niacinum (PP or B3), sincaline (B4), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), cyanocobalamine (B12), ascorbic acid (C), alpha tocopherol (E), calciferol (D), phylloquinone (K); macrocells: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium; microelements: fluorine, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, iron.

Caloric content of egg makes about 143 kcal on 100 g of a product.

Advantage of eggs

Egg contains more than hundred useful substances so the main advantage of eggs consists that they can be used as usual food or for clinical nutrition. Ovalbumin is the most valuable and effective type of protein which is used by an organism for "construction" of muscles. Even in milk and beef there is no so much nutritious enzyme how many in egg.

In egg practically all table of Mendeleyev is submitted, besides, it almost completely (for 97%) is acquired by an organism and does not give slags.

Also the advantage of egg consists that at its structure there are polyunsaturated fatty acids playing an important role for prevention of nervous and cardiovascular diseases, and also the selenium and carotene rendering the antioxidant properties improving a condition of skin, the warning oncological diseases adjusting work of reproductive system.

Яйца куриные жареные

Niacinum necessary for formation of sex hormones and food of a brain is a part of eggs. And the yolk contains vitamin D which promotes digestion of calcium an organism and to strengthening of a bone tissue. Letsiin improves memory, is useful to a liver and increases mental capacities. Luteinum which is contained in a yolk helps to avoid problems with sight, and sincaline promotes prevention of oncological diseases.

Not only eggs, but also egg shell as at its structure there is a large number micro and macrocells among which first place is won by calcium are useful.

Harm of eggs

As a part of eggs there are saturated fats therefore their regular use leads to increase in cholesterol blood. And if to be fond of eating of crude eggs, then there is a risk to catch a salmonellosis.

Eggs can render harm also on children and to become the reason of emergence at them of an allergy therefore it is necessary to limit their quantity in a diet.

Whether you know that:

Our kidneys are capable to clear three liters of blood in one minute.