Application instruction:
Yaren - the monophase low-dosed combined contraceptive drug.
Dailla, Dimia, Jes, Midiana – structural analogs of Yarina on active ingredient.
Yaren is issued in the form of tablets. One tablet of drug contains 3 mg of a drospirenon, 30 mkg of ethinylestradiol. Auxiliary components of drug: starch corn (prezhelatinizirovanny starch), lactoses monohydrate, поливидон K25, gipromelloza, talc, ferrous oxide, titanium dioxide, macrogoal 6000.
Judging by medical responses, Yarina has contraceptive effect which is shown in ability of drug to suppress process of an ovulation, and also to increase viscosity of cervical slime. The condensation of cervical slime interferes with free penetration of spermatozoa into a uterine cavity.
Regular use of Yarina or Yarina's analogs promotes decrease or total disappearance of pain in a premenstrual syndrome, normalization of a menstrual cycle and to reduction of intensity of bleedings. Thanks to it the risk of emergence of an iron deficiency anemia, and also risk of development of ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer considerably decreases.
Drospiron in this drug shows antimineralokortikoidny activity, preventing a sodium delay in an organism, and also emergence of the symptoms connected with a liquid delay – hypostases, increase in body weight.
Anti-androgenic action of a drospiron, similar to effect of natural progesterone, promotes reduction of symptoms of an acne, fat content of hair and skin.
At the correct use of Yarina or Yarina's analogs Perl's index (the index reflecting the number of pregnancies at hundred women accepting drug in techeniye12 months) makes less than 1. At irregular or wrong use of tablets this indicator can increase.
The combined action of a drospiron and ethinylestradiol promotes improvement of a lipidic profile and increase in the LPVP level.
According to Yarin's instruction it is applied to the prevention of undesirable pregnancy. Besides, this drug can be appointed at a hormonedependent delay of liquid, and also for elimination of acne rash, seborrhea.
According to the instruction Yarin should accept inside every day at the same time. Drug is accepted on one dragee a day (continuously for 21 days). Reception of each following packaging of a dragee begins after a week break during which menstrualnopodobny bleeding usually develops. Bleeding most often begins on the second - the third day after reception of the last dragee and can last prior to reception of the following packaging.
Yarina's reception according to the instruction is recommended to be begun in the first day of a menstrual cycle. Use of drug in the second or fifth day of a menstrual cycle is admissible, but in this case it is necessary to use additional methods of contraception in the first week of reception of tablets.
According to the instruction it is recommended to begin Yarina's reception for 21-28 day after the delivery or after abortion in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. After abortion in the 1st trimester of pregnancy it is recommended to begin reception of tablets immediately (right after abortion). If administration of drug was begun a little later, then in this case it is necessary to use an additional barrier method of protection for the first week of reception of Yarina.
In responses to Yarine is confirmed that contraceptive action of tablets does not decrease in case of a break in reception no more than twelve hours. The risk of approach of pregnancy increases at increase in quantity of the passed tablets and a break between their receptions. The passed pill of drug should be taken as soon as possible. The following dragee of Yarina is accepted according to the standard scheme.
Judging by responses, Yarina at regular use can cause allergic reactions, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, a headache, increase in the ABP, strengthening or decrease a libido, morbidity, a nagrubaniye of mammary glands, changes of weight. Quite often Yarina's use leads to emergence of intermenstrual allocations and allocations from mammary glands, the milkwoman.
One-time use of Yarina and karmazepin, barbiturates, hydantoin, rifampicin, Primidonum, antibiotics considerably reduces contraceptive reliability of drug.
Name of drug
Yaren plus тбл п / about No. 28, Schering AG
1159 rub.
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