The exudative erythema (mnogoformny) represents one of clinical manifestations of an erythema which is characterized by formation of polymorphic rash on mucous membranes and skin. The disease has tendency to a recurrence (especially during the spring and autumn periods) and most often occurs among middle-aged persons and youth.
The term "exudative erythema" is used for designation of rash, similar on the clinical manifestations, which develop at certain infectious diseases or owing to an allergy to medicines. Thus, distinguish two main forms of an exudative erythema:
At an idiopathic exudative erythema the disease begins with the prodromal phenomena (an indisposition, weakness, the subfebrile temperature, a pharyngalgia, muscles, joints) developing against the background of quinsy, an acute respiratory disease, overcooling. The symptomatic form of a disease is shown, preferential, after reception of certain medicines (antibiotics, barbiturates, sulfanamide drugs, pyramidon), introduction of vaccines and serums. Further the clinical picture of a disease has no both forms of distinctions.
Symmetric damage of skin of extensor surfaces (forearms, brushes), persons, necks, the backs of feet, shins is characteristic of an exudative erythema. Quite often the mucous membrane of an oral cavity is involved in inflammatory process. Rash has an appearance of the spots with a diameter of 3-15 mm of rounded shape with sharp limits of bright red color differing in retraction of the central part therefore there is "a ring in a ring". Spots are inclined to merge to formation of figures to polycyclic outlines (arches, garlands, etc.). At an exudative erythema new rashes develop during the first days of a disease and are followed by a headache, an indisposition, fervescence. Duration of inflammatory process, as a rule, makes 10-15 days and comes to an end with recovery of the patient.
At easy forms treatment of an exudative erythema carries, preferential, symptomatic character at which therapy is directed to elimination of the main symptoms of a disease. At the same time on area of the centers of defeat the special ointments containing adrenal hormones are applied. The mucous membrane of a mouth is cleared by the cotton plugs moistened with solutions of antiseptic agents. For the purpose of reduction of painful feelings lidocaine can be used.
In more hard cases treatment of an exudative erythema happens to the help of corticosteroid hormones (Prednisolonum on 40-60 mg/days). In the specified dose drug is accepted within 5-7 days, further each 2-3 days the dose decreases by 5 mg up to its full cancellation. In the presence of consecutive infection an antibioticotherapia is applied. At accession to a disease of a herpes infection antiviral drugs are appointed (Remantadinum, an acyclovir on 200 mg 3 times a day).
At a necrotic plaque on a surface of the developed erosion applications of proteolytic enzymes (chymotrypsin, a lizoamidaza) are applied after which for the purpose of acceleration of epithelization of fabrics keratoplastichesky means are used (oils of a sea-buckthorn and a dogrose, каротолин, solkoserit, Solutio oleosa of vitamins A, E.
One of the most severe forms of a current of an exudative erythema is called Stephens-Johnson's syndrome: high temperature, severe pain in muscles and joints, violent damages of mucous membranes of a nose, mouth, generative organs are characteristic of it. Quite often are involved in pathological process mucous airways, a gullet, a stomach.
At emergence on the surface of skin of bubbles it is recommended to carry out their opening by means of sterile scissors. The forecast at timely treatment of an exudative erythema (except Stephens-Johnson's syndrome) practically always favorable.
Preventive treatment of an exudative erythema is performed in the spring and in the fall (several months prior to the expected recurrence). Measures of sanitation of the centers of persistent infection, prevention of coolings, and also the general hardening of an organism are for this purpose undertaken. Drug preventive treatment consists in reception:
At a toksiko-allergic form of an exudative erythema it is important not to allow reception of the medicine provoking this disease.
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