Main > Human organs> Closed glands

Closed glands

Set of the hemadens (endocrine) providing production of hormones is called endocrine system of an organism.

From Greek Эндокринные железы человекаthe term "hormones" (hormaine) is translated how to induce, set in motion. Hormones are biologically active agents produced by the closed glands and special cells which are in fabrics which are in sialadens, a stomach, heart, a liver, kidneys and other bodies. Hormones come to a blood stream and their educations (local hormones), or on some removal exert impact on cells of the target organs which are or directly on site.

The main function of closed glands is production of hormones which are carried on all organism. From here additional functions of closed glands due to production of hormones follow:

  • Participation in exchange processes;
  • Maintenance of internal environment of an organism;
  • Regulation of development and growth of an organism.

Structure of closed glands

Treat bodies of endocrine system:

  • Hypothalamus;
  • Thyroid gland;
  • Hypophysis;
  • Epithelial bodies;
  • Ovaries and testicles;
  • Pancreas islands.

During incubation of the child the placenta, in addition to other functions, is also a closed gland.

The hypothalamus emits the hormones stimulating function of a hypophysis or, on the contrary, suppressing it.

The hypophysis is called the main endocrine gland. It produces hormones which influence other hemadens, and coordinates their activity. Also some hormones produced by a hypophysis exert a direct impact on biochemical processes in an organism. Speed of production of hormones is arranged with a hypophysis by the principle of feedback. Level of other hormones in blood gives to a hypophysis a signal that it has to slow down or, on the contrary, accelerate production of hormones.

However not all closed glands are controlled by a hypophysis. Some of them indirectly or directly react to the content of certain substances in blood. So, for example, cells of the pancreas producing insulin react to concentration in blood of fatty acids and glucose. Epithelial bodies react to concentration of phosphates and calcium, and marrow of adrenal glands answers direct stimulation of a parasympathetic nervous system.

Gormonopodobny substances and hormones are produced by different bodies including not entering a structure of closed glands. So, some bodies produce gormonopodobny substances which work only in close proximity to their release and do not allocate the secret in blood. It is possible to carry some hormones produced by a brain which make impact only on a nervous system or on two Функции эндокринных железbodies to such substances. There are also other hormones which affect all organism in general. So, for example, the hypophysis produces thyritropic hormone which influences only a thyroid gland. In turn, the thyroid gland produces the thyroid hormones influencing work of all organism.

The pancreas produces insulin which influences exchange in an organism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Diseases of closed glands

As a rule, diseases of endocrine system result from disbolism. The reasons of such disturbances can be the most various, but preferential the metabolism is broken as a result of shortage in an organism of the vital minerals and organisms.

From endocrine (or hormonal as it still sometimes is called) systems the correct functioning of all bodies depends. The hormones produced by hemadens, coming to blood, carry out a role of catalysts of various chemical processes in an organism, that is, the speed of course of the majority of chemical changes depends on their action. Also by means of hormones work of most bodies of our organism is regulated.

At disturbance of functions of closed glands the natural balance of exchange processes is broken that leads to developing of various diseases. Often endocrine pathologies result from intoxication of an organism, injuries or diseases of other bodies and systems breaking work of an organism.

It is possible to carry such diseases as a diabetes mellitus, erectile dysfunction, obesity, diseases of a thyroid gland to diseases of closed glands. Also at disturbance of the correct work of endocrine system there can be cardiovascular diseases, diseases of digestive tract, joints. Therefore the correct work of endocrine system – the first step to health and longevity.

Important measure of prevention in fight against diseases of closed glands is prevention of poisonings (toxic and chemicals, foodstuff, secretory products of pathogenic flora of intestines, etc.). It is necessary to clear an organism of free radicals, chemical compounds, heavy metals timely. And, of course, at the first symptoms of a disease it is necessary to undergo comprehensive examination, the treatment will be begun earlier, the it is more than chances of success.

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