Epidemic parotitis (in the people it is better known as "mumps") is the acute viral disease which is followed by intoxication, fever, disturbances in work of sialadens, other ferruterous bodies and the central nervous system of the person. A contagium is the virus of parotitis which gets into an organism through upper respiratory tracts. It is the main way of infection. Besides, epidemic parotitis, can declare itself after contact with personal belongings of already sick person. Distribution on a body happens by means of veins via which the virus reaches sialadens and TsNS because in them all conditions for its proliferation are created.
There is a wish to note especially the fact that everyone can catch epidemic parotitis, but nevertheless epidemic parotitis at children as their immune system resists infections less effectively, than at adults most often comes to light. On the other hand, children have a disease much easier and quicker endure the most acute displays of a disease. The first symptoms of a viral infection are shown in 10-15 days after infection. At diagnosis epidemic parotitis, treatment has to begin as soon as possible as the mumps exerts impact on work of the vital systems of an organism and leads to serious complications.
As a rule, the eclipse period of a course of epidemic parotitis lasts about 2-2,5 weeks. After that the virus becomes more active and proves the following symptoms:
Morbidity of the struck glands increases at a conversation or chewing. At the same time they increase in sizes and lead to a skin tension, emergence of hypostases in the place of development of inflammatory process which quite often pass to the surface of a neck. The most intensively acute epidemic parotitis at children develops within 4-5 days after the termination of an incubation interval, and then the swelling is gradually reduced. Depending on degree of manifestation of symptoms, the clinical course of epidemic parotitis is divided into three look:
Important point: epidemic parotitis which prevention and treatment were begun too late leads to an inflammation of a meninx (meningitis), pancreatitis, arthritises, defeat of acoustic organs and further development of irreversible deafness.
Any specific treatment of epidemic parotitis does not exist therefore the main efforts of doctors are directed to the prevention of complications. For this purpose to patients antibacterial therapy, novocainic blockade, a bed rest and a diet is appointed. Restriction of mobility lasts not less than 10 days. During this time it is necessary to exclude greasy, spicy, flour food from the patient's diet, and also to reduce quantity of the consumed products. At the diagnosis epidemic parotitis at children, the milk and vegetable diet, rice, black bread, potatoes dishes, fresh vegetables and fruit is recommended to patients. At easy and average disease patients need to drink more liquid because of constant dryness in a mouth. Besides, drugs of calcium and antiallergenic means are shown them (the dosage is chosen, proceeding from age of the child).
In recent years doctors pay much attention to new techniques of treatment of a mumps. In particular, epidemic parotitis is effectively treated by means of causal treatment. Also the possibility of use of antiviral himiopreparat and enzymes is studied. As for already applied means, it is necessary to mention the desensibilizing and antiinflammatory drugs, vitamins, disintoxication therapy.
For the prevention of spread of an infection of patients isolate from other children at least for 10 days. In child care facilities the 3 weeks quarantine during which all children contacting to the patient have to stay at home from the 11th to the 21st day of an incubation interval is entered. In the preventive purposes to preschool children aged from 3 up to 7 years inoculations a parotitis vaccine become.
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