Main > Diseases> Gullet erosion

Gullet erosion

The erosion of a gullet is a defect of an inside layer of a mucous membrane in a gullet. This defect is a complication of hernia of an esophageal opening of the diaphragm developing because of movement of a part of bodies from an abdominal cavity in chest department through a phrenic esophageal opening. Most of the people having a gullet erosion do not guess the disease, referring to lack of strongly expressed symptoms or an error in food.

Reasons of development of an erosion of a gullet

Эрозия пищевода – это дефект внутреннего слоя слизистой оболочки в пищеводеErosion of a gullet precede the following morbid conditions:

  • Increase in pre-natal pressure;
  • The weakened tone of muscles of esophageal walls;
  • Reduction of length of a gullet because of inflammatory and cicatricial process or a tumor;
  • Atrophy of the left hepatic lobe;
  • Stretching of an esophageal opening of a diaphragm;
  • Absence under a diaphragm of fatty tissue;
  • Curvature of chest department of a backbone in the form of a kyphosis which occurs at people of advanced age more often.

All above-mentioned factors promote emergence of the sliding, axial hernias after which the gullet erosion develops.

Clinic and symptoms of an erosion of a gullet

The clinical picture at an erosion of a gullet can sometimes be asymptomatic, erased and indistinct. But at the bigger number of patients complaints to dull or acute aches are watched a thorax, in an abdominal cavity or with various irradiation which remind pains at stenocardia. Pain and discomfort, as a rule, arise at meal or movement of position of a body. Pain can be followed by feeling of completeness and a raspiraniye which can decrease at acceptance bodied vertical position.

Gullet erosion symptoms following:

  • Painful swallowing (dysphagy);
  • Eructation;
  • Hiccups;
  • Vomiting;
  • Vomiting;
  • The raised salivation in a mouth;
  • Unpleasant smell from an oral cavity.

Diagnosis of a disease

At establishment of this diagnosis to the patient conduct radiological examination by which it is possible to define precisely existence of esophageal hernia or a reflux (gastrointestinal throwing). Also additional researches by means of an ezofagotonokimografiya, the general and biochemical analysis of blood, urine, a kolonoskopiya and the analysis a calla on the occult blood are conducted.

Treatment of an erosion of a gullet

Медикаментозная терапия эрозии пищевода включает в себя применение антацидов (Алмагель)Treatment of an erosion of a gullet by means of medicines has to be carried out under observation of the doctor. Medicamentous therapy includes alginata, antacids and prokinetics:

  • Alginata are capable to form on the internal surface of a stomach dense foam which has medical effect during each reflux (throwing of contents in a gullet);
  • Almagel which is capable to cure symptoms of average expressiveness belongs to antacids. For treatment it is used often – everyone one and a half or two hours after meals and before going to bed;
  • Prokinetics reduce time of engagement of a gullet with hydrochloric acid, improve gastric emptying, increase pressure in the lower sphincter of a gullet. Treats prokinetics мотилиум, or домперидон. It is necessary to use it four times a day on ten milligrams throughout a long time;
  • Pariyet (inhibitor of a protonew pomp) on twenty milligrams a day on an extent from eight to ten weeks.

Treatment of an erosion of a gullet folk remedies

  • In thirty minutes prior to meal three or four times a day should be accepted on fifty milliliters of potato juice for one and a half-two months. In a year it is necessary to complete three-four medical courses. Preparation of potato juice: the peeled potatoes to grate and wring out juice through a gauze or to receive juice by means of the juice extractor;
  • In thirty minutes prior to meal to accept till 25-30 milliliters of potato and carrot juice for one and a half-two months. In a year it is necessary to complete three or four such medical courses;
  • To take twenty grams of flowers of a linden, calendulas, a willow-herb and on ten grams of flowers of a field horsetail, an immortelle, a celandine, a St. John's Wort, a pharmaceutical camomile, a root of a valerian and fruits of fennel. To crush all plants and to place them in a glass jar, to boil one tablespoon of the crushed plants in 500 milliliters of boiled water on slow fire five-seven minutes, to allow to infuse within two-three hours and to filter. Accept this infusion in thirty minutes prior to food three-four times a day in a warm look on 100-120 milliliters.
Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.