Main > Drugs> Estriol


Estriol (the international name – Ovestin) Упаковка Эстриолconcerns to group of hormonal drugs which normalize a hormonal background, remove an inflammation of a mucous membrane of generative organs, and also eliminate climax symptoms. Drug promotes recovery of an epithelium of a vagina and normalizes its microflora.

Structure and form of release

The main active ingredient – Estriol of 0,5 mg.

Auxiliary components: dimethyl sulfoxide, суппоцир.

Estriol is produced in the form of vaginal suppositories on 0,5 mg, vaginal ointment in tubas on 15 g and tablets on 2 mg placed in cardboard packaging on 30 pieces.

Pharmacological properties of Estriol

Estriol normalizes a condition of a vagina, eliminates effects of atrophic changes in the period of a menopause at women and increases protective functions of an epithelium of a vagina to infectious processes and inflammations. Drug possesses the regenerating, antiinflammatory and antimicrobic action.

The main components of Estriol normalize the content of cholesterol in blood, improve microcirculation and increase plasma volume.

Estriol is completely absorbed and reaches the maximum concentration in a blood plasma within 2 hours. Drug is removed from an organism by kidneys with urine. Medical action lasts 15-18 hours.

It is not necessary to accept Estriol at pregnancy as there can be a serious risk for preservation and the correct fetation.

Indications to use

Estriol is shown to use at atrophic processes of mucous membranes of urinogenital system, heavy symptoms of a menopause for women (an itch, burning, an inflammation, inflows, the increased temperature, etc.), during rehabilitation after operations on generative organs, infertility, disturbances of an urination, a dispareuniya, an urine incontience.

Application instruction of Estriol

According to the instruction of a candle Estriol needs to be entered into a vagina at atrophic processes and inflammations. The course of treatment lasts 3-4 weeks. The exact medical and supporting dosage of drug is determined by the attending physician by testimonies of the patient. Candles enter Estriol gradually on 0,5 g 2 times a day.

Estriol in tablets is accepted on 4-8 mg of 1 times a day within 1 month. The repeated course of treatment is appointed by the doctor after an interval of 3-4 weeks. The drug dosage gradually decreases to 0,25 mg a day.

Estriol it is necessary to enter ointment into a vagina 2-3 times a day on 0,5 mg within 3 weeks, and then on 0,25 mg of 1 times a day within 2 weeks.

During treatment by Estriol it is regularly necessary to undergo medical examination with the full list of diagnostic procedures (blood test, an ECG, an immunodiagnosis, etc.).


Contraindications to Суппозитории Эстриолpurpose of Estriol are hypersensitivity and intolerance of components of drug, fibrinferments, thrombocytopenia, a renal and liver failure, internal bleedings, malignant tumors, a hypertension, epilepsy, heart failure.

Estriol at pregnancy is strictly contraindicated and during breastfeeding, and also aged up to 18 years.

With care drug is appointed at migraine, a serious illness of bodies of a GIT, a mastopathy, porphyria and disturbances of blood circulation.

Side effects of Estriol

Estriol can make vomiting, sick, dizziness and a headache, pigmentation, an inflammation of mammary glands and their morbidity, myotonia, a hypertension, vision disorders.

At a long course of treatment allergic reactions – an itch, burning, a xeroderma, a small tortoiseshell, a Quincke's edema, a bronchospasm, skin rash can appear.

Whether you know that:

The liver is the heaviest body in our body. Its average weight makes 1,5 kg.