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How to lose weight in 10 years

How to lose weight in 10 years? The matter concerns many parents whose child differs in the weight from peers a little. Whether the usual diets applied by adults to normalization of weight suit the child of 10 years? What excess weight in 10 years threatens with? How to explain to the child about problems of excess weight, without having touched its mentality?Особенности образа жизни на диете для детей 10 лет

How to lose weight in 10 years: a problem of children's obesity, risks, the reasons of excess weight at children

The problem of children's obesity in modern society assumes the increasing scale. Recently an increasing number of cases of diagnosing of excess weight at children of younger age when they still rather actively grow is observed and develop. Even more often parents see doctors with a question how to lose weight in 10 years to the child.

Before choosing a way of weight reduction, it is necessary to define an obesity stage (IMT and its aberration at this age). Allocate 4 degrees of children's obesity:

  • The 1st degree – a deviation in the child's weight from norm makes 15-25%;
  • The 2nd degree – a deviation of weight makes 25-50% of the standard norm;
  • The 3rd degree – a deviation of indicators of body weight from 51 to 85% from norm;
  • The 4th degree – a deviation in weight makes from 85 to 100% of norm.

At the first degree of obesity (easy excess weight) it is possible to make independent attempts of correction of weight by change of a diet of the child, and also an image of his life. All other cases demand medical examination and identification of the reasons of development of obesity.

Are the main reasons for children's obesity:

  • Wrong food allowance;
  • Slow-moving way of life;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Disbolism;
  • Way of life of modern society;
  • Imitation way of life of adults;
  • Physiological features of an organism of the child;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Disturbance of the general development;
  • Disturbance of a hormonal background in a children's organism.

The main risks associated with children's obesity:

  • Development of especially adult diseases (arthritises, arthroses, other diseases of joints, the increased cholesterol level, hypertension, diabetes, dysfunction of heart);
  • Varicosity;
  • Problems with a backbone;
  • Infertility in the future;
  • Renal failure.

Diet for children of 10 years: menu of a diet, constant diet, way of life

Deciding how to lose weight in 10 years to the child, it is necessary to consider all physiological features of the developing organism. At this age there is a significant growth in muscles, formation of mentality of the child. Problems with excess weight can lead to development of internal complexes that can affect its character and living position. Therefore it is extremely important not to disregard a problem of excess weight.

With a problem how to lose weight in 10 years, it is necessary to address the children's nutritionist for identification of the reasons of excess weight and the choice of the correct approach for a solution. This age precedes puberty, one of the most important stages of development of an organism of the child therefore at this time it is extremely important to provide normal functioning of all systems of a children's organism.

One of ways how to lose weight in 10 years, review of a diet of the child is.

The diet for children of 10 years has to provide such diet and a diet that on condition of enough vitamins, micro and the macrocells necessary for normal functioning, development and growth of a children's organism, body weight was normalized.

To develop a diet for children of 10 years extremely difficult, however the exception of some products and selection of a "healthy" alternative to delicacies considerably will help to normalize the child's weight. The following products a diet for children of 10 years should be excluded and replaced with the offered alternatives:

  • Fried dishes – fried potatoes, cutlets, chops, toasts, eggs do not represent special advantage for the growing organism. The dietary diet of the child has to contain the boiled, baked, steamed products;
  • Sausages and sausages, and also other semi-finished products it is necessary to replace with low-fat grades of fresh meat: veal, chicken, crawl;
  • Hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries and other dishes of fast food (replacements can serve sandwiches of house preparation with vegetables and boiled fillet of a bird);
  • Sauces, mayonnaise, ketchups (gas station from natural yogurt with greens serves as a substitute);
  • Confectionery sweets (are replaced with honey, nuts, dark chocolate, dried fruits);
  • Sweet drinks are replaced with natural juice, compotes without sugar, fruit drinks.

Also special attention should be paid to a diet. Developing a diet for children of 10 years, it is necessary to analyze the number of meals, and the amount of food used in each reception.Как похудеть в 10 лет? Заменить ребенку жареные блюда на паровые

How to lose weight to children of 10 years: what measures are categorically prohibited?

Many parents, asking a question how to lose weight to children of 10 years, go to the extremities which constitute danger to growing child's organism. Treat such measures:

  • Wearisome exercise stresses – change of a way of life is necessary for normalization of body weight of the child. However excessive exercise stresses can negatively affect a mental condition, progress of the child at this age;
  • Starvations – the child's organism in 10 years actively grows and develops, the vitamin deficiency both macro - and microelements can lead to development disturbance;
  • Use of means for weight loss – any means for weight loss, whether it be national methods, or medicines, represent unjustified risk for health of the child. Use even of the safe clearing teas, light laxative drugs will significantly break functioning of a GIT, will lead to dysbacteriosis.

How to lose weight to the girl of 10 years?

The question of excess weight at the girl of 10 years is much more delicate. At this age the girl's organism actively prepares for puberty. Both excess weight, and a lack of weight, disbolism, avitaminosis can lead to dysfunctions of ovaries, delays of the beginning of periods. During puberty the high level of estrogen causes building of fatty tissue. Correction of weight of the girl of younger age needs to be carried out under accurate medical control that will allow to avoid disturbances of development of her organism.

Choosing a way how to lose weight to the girl of 10 years, it is necessary to consider a psychological factor. Many girls extremely painfully treat the image at this age. First of all, the girl needs to explain that excess weight is not a problem as the children's organism grows, and it will finally be created only by 18-20 years.

One of the most effective ways how to lose weight to the girl of 10 years, combination of the healthy healthy nutrition and active lifestyle is. So, for girls dances, gymnastics, aerobics become optimum occupations that will allow not only to get a beautiful body, but also to facilitate social adaptation of the child.

Choosing ways how to lose weight in 10 years to the child, it is necessary to remember that insignificant excess weight at this age can be compensated by the active growth of an organism.

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Human bones are stronger than concrete four times.