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How to lose weight in 1 day

Диета на 1 день позволит потерять 0,5-1 кгTo get rid of a small amount of excess weight, long time is optional to keep the rigid diet or at all to starve. There is a number of the diets allowing to lose weight by half a kilo or kilogram in one day however it is not recommended to practice them often as instead of positive effect in the form of weight loss it is possible to enter an organism into the mode of a stopper and, on the contrary, to gather some more extra kilos.

How to lose weight in 1 day: cucumber monodiet

The cucumber monodiet is more than real way how to lose weight in 1 day by 2 kg, without feeling discomfort and feeling of hunger. For all day it is necessary to use 2 kg of fresh cucumbers for 5-6 receptions in addition to which drinking water in any quantity is during the day allowed. Such diet for 1 day will allow to lose weight by 1-1,5 kg per day and to dump 2 kg in one day, it is necessary in addition to a diet by the end of day to make a cleansing enema which will effectively clear intestines.

Drinking diet for 1 day

It is possible to lose a little excess weight per day by means of a diet in 1 day of drinking water at which observance, it is necessary to drink from 6 to 12 glasses. Water has to be either simple, or mineral, or it is possible to prepare water according to the recipe which is specially developed for achievement of weight loss. There are two recipes of preparation of water for weight loss:

  • The recipe 1 – it is necessary to mix two cut large lemons, one Cayenne pepper, 2 l of water and it is a little parsley, to infuse liquid during the night then for the morning ready liquid needs to be filtered and used as usual water for day;
  • The recipe 2 – needs to be cut small a small fresh root of ginger, one medium-sized lemon with a dried peel, two fresh cucumbers and 10 g of a peppermint. The cut ingredients it is necessary to place in three-liter large bottles and to fill in with cold water. It is necessary to infuse the received liquid several hours in the refrigerator then to filter and use in finished form for all dietary day.

Proteinaceous diet for 1 day

The proteinaceous diet gives the chance for a short span to lose quite large number of excess weight, however, the result in 4-5 kg can achieve, keeping to a proteinaceous diet for at least a week. Using at observance of a diet in 1 day of egg, cottage cheese, meat and other proteinaceous products which are resolved in unlimited number, it is possible to achieve result in half a kilo or even in 1 kg.

How to lose weight in 1 day: practical advice

При диете на 1 день общее количество потребляемых калорий не должно превышать 1200 ккал в деньPer day to lose weight by half a kilo or kilogram, it is not obligatory to keep to a diet for 1 day. It is possible to get rid of excess weight, following the following advice:

  • It is necessary to think over the menu of a day diet from that calculation in advance that total quantity of the consumed calories should not exceed 1200 kcal a day. Total quantity of the chosen food needs to be divided into five receptions, approximately on 250 kcal everyone – it will help to increase metabolism;
  • It is necessary to be engaged within an hour кардио in exercises. Run, driving the bicycle or swimming – everything that can lift heart rate during the long period will approach;
  • It is necessary to drink a lot of water as one of keys of bystry weight loss is moisture content of an organism. Optimum amount of the water consumed in a day are 2 l which will help not only to reduce appetite as the stomach will be filled, but also will wash up excess of sodium from an organism;
  • Visit of the Russian bath will help to lose quickly several kilograms and to banish stagnant water and toxins through skin pores.
Whether you know that:

During life the average person develops neither more nor less two big pools of saliva.