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How to accelerate metabolism

Concept of metabolism

Understand process of creation and destruction of organic matters as metabolism from the moment of their receipt in an organism and before their allocation in external environment.Цитрусовые - продукты, ускоряющие метаболизм

Metabolism is divided, as a rule, into two groups: during a catabolism complex organic matters are split on simpler, in the course of anabolism (together with a metabolic cost) proteins, lipids, nucleic acids are formed sugar.

The term "metabolism" is closely connected with concepts of excess or insufficient weight today. Many people suffering from excess fatty weight are anxious with how to accelerate metabolism of the organism.

For definition of metabolic rate specialists hold testing for "standard metabolism" - an indicator of ability of an organism to make energy. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach: these oxygen absorptions and releases of carbon dioxide are at rest measured. Comparison of these two sizes allows to define, how fully the organism spends the substances arriving with food.

Metabolic rate is also influenced by hormones of a thyroid gland therefore at diagnosis of the diseases connected with metabolism disturbances, specialists are inclined to measure the level of these hormones in blood.

How to accelerate metabolism and to lose weight?

Organism metabolic rate often is defined by a hereditary factor. Each person has an own, individual speed of burning of calories designated by the term RMR (resting metabolic rate). Despite this "unfair" fact, specialists declare that there are ways which "force" metabolism to work more actively. Three major factors are the cornerstone of a bystry metabolism:

  • Food;
  • Physical activity;
  • Muscular exercises.

It is known that almost all the power stock of people receives from food. In this regard, the mode and quality of food in processes of a metabolism is given the predominating role. How to accelerate metabolism by means of the correct diet - you ask?

First, to pass to fractional (step-by-step) meal of 5-6 times a day. This recommendation is connected with feature of our organism: frequent meals "start" a metabolism as about 10% of internal resources are spent for digestion of food. Sharp restrictions in food (diet), on the contrary, have an adverse effect on the speed of metabolism: having received a signal of the begun "hunger", the organism passes into "the economical mode" and begins to lay energy "in store".

How to accelerate metabolism in the natural way? To men lower than 1600-2000 kilocalories a day are not recommended to reduce consumption of calories, to women - to adhere to an indicator of 1200-1600 kilocalories/days.

The products accelerating metabolism

In this regard there is a wish to read the list of the products accelerating metabolism. Treat them:

  • Citrus (lemons, tangerines, oranges) which are a natural stimulator of a metabolism;
  • Green tea - the owner of antioxidants. Drink reduces appetite, improves digestion and reduces cholesterol level in blood;
  • Dairy products. Deficit of calcium promotes production of special hormone - the calcitriol which is slowing down process of processing and a conclusion of fats of an organism;
  • Almonds;
  • Seafood;
  • Coffee. One cup of natural coffee accelerates metabolism for 3-5%;
  • Apples;
  • Spinach;
  • Haricot. This product accelerating metabolism is rich with mineral substances which have insulinopodobny effect on a metabolism;
  • Broccoli;
  • Hot pepper;
  • Curry seasoning;
  • Porridge.

For the people who are in search of the answer to the question "how to accelerate metabolism" by means of food, specialists voiced three basic principles:

  • Eat food each 2-2,5 hours in the small portions;
  • Avoid some high-calorific food;
  • The products accelerating metabolism have to make not less than 80% of your diet. Правильно питаться и заниматься спортом - вот, как ускорить метаболизм и похудеть

How to accelerate metabolism and to lose weight by means of physical exercises

Problem of excess weight as well as slow metabolism, traditionally decides physical activity. Any physical exercises (aerobics, runs, walking) which are carried out not less than 20-30 minutes a day are capable to provide efficiency of metabolism.

How to accelerate metabolism to women? By researches of specialists it is proved that the lipolysis at women happens quicker when performing exercises to low and moderate intensity. At men process of metabolism accelerates at a moderate and high exercise stress.

It is necessary to remember that muscle cells consume more calories, than fatty. This fact means that existence of the trained muscles allows "to burn" more calories during the day. The power loadings directed to strengthening of the muscular device promote its growth and strengthening that positively affects not only endurance of an organism, but also process of a metabolism.

For those who are anxious with a question how to accelerate metabolism of the organism by means of exercise stresses, it should be taken into account the important fact that fats can be processed only at sufficient intake of oxygen. At its shortcoming process of metabolism of glucose happens one-sidedly to lactification which surplus can lead to feeling of the increased fatigue.

According to specialists, the complex of physical trainings for increase in a metabolism has to include:

  • Aerobic loadings in the fresh air;
  • Power exercises on various groups of muscles.

How to accelerate metabolism: other ways

In addition to healthy nutrition and regular exercise stresses, to acceleration of a metabolism, according to ordinary people and specialists promote:

  • Plentiful drink. Clear water helps more intensive removal of toxins and decomposition products of lipoblasts from an organism;
  • Clarification of a liver. Fully working liver produces the enzymes allowing to split complex fats, coming to an organism with food;
  • Massage. Power impact on skin improves microblood circulation in fabrics, promoting local removal of excess liquid and toxins. The sauna, a bath or a hot bathtub has similar effect;
  • Alternating douche;
  • Sunlight;
  • Internal tranquility. It is proved that the stress exerts impact on release of fatty acids which, being redistributed on circulatory system, are laid in fats;
  • Sex.
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