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Peanut caloric content

So-called "peanut" – a peanut – actually belongs to family of bean. At the same time more any true nut it is rich with phytalbumins and special substance – Niacinum having ability to revitalize brain tissues.Как определить, сколько калорий в арахисе

How many calories in a peanut

The peanut – a valuable nutritious product and an oil-bearing crop, is used as raw materials in various industries of medicine and the industry. Caloric content of a peanut makes about 550 kcal on 100 g of a product, at the same time it contains 26,3 g of protein, 46 g of fats, 9,9 g of carbohydrates and 7,7 g of cellulose. The peanut extremely favorably influences updating and growth of cells and fabrics.

It is used as soft cholagogue means and, despite the high caloric content of a peanut, appreciated as the product normalizing blood cholesterol level. Also it well affects a libido and a potentiality, helps to concentrate attention, improves memory, it is recommended at bystry fatigue and sleeplessness.

Despite peanut caloric content, it is extremely popular around the world. Brazil is considered its homeland, and he takes the second place in the world among crops. At the time of Inca in the territory of modern Peru cultivated this one-year culture. Almost on a half the peanut consists of vegetable fats (at the same time more than 8% of a product make saturated fatty acids) and for 30% from proteins.

Besides the peanut is rich with PP (B3) vitamin or niacin (14 mg in 100 g of a product) which is an antipellagric factor and protects from dementia (weak-mindedness, Alzheimer's disease), intestinal frustration and inflammations of integuments. Valuable properties of a product are shown at its correct preparation, that is frying without oil and other nutritional supplements.

Peanut: calories, structure and valuable properties

Despite the high caloric content of a peanut, useful fats in its structure promote decrease in body weight. On the valuable properties peanut butter practically does not concede to olive. At the same time the caloric content of a peanut it is necessary to consider and not to exceed the maximum daily dose of nut – the following amount of nutrients contains no more than 50 g 100 g of a peanut:

  • Niacin (RR vitamin) – 14 mg;
  • Thiamin (B1 vitamin) – 0,74 mg;
  • Riboflavinum (B2 vitamin) – 0,11 mg;
  • Pantothenic acid (B5 vitamin) - 1,767 mg;
  • Pyridoxine (B6 vitamin) – 0,348 mg;
  • Folic acid (B9 vitamin) – 240 mkg;
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) – 5,3 mg;
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) – 10,1 mg;
  • Niacinum – 18,9 mg;
  • Sincaline – 52,5 mg;
  • Calcium – 76 mg;
  • Magnesium – 182 mg;
  • Sodium – 23 mg;
  • Potassium – 658 mg;
  • Phosphorus – 350 mg;
  • Gland – 5 mg;
  • Zinc – 3,27 mg;
  • Copper – 1144 mkg;
  • Manganese – 1,934 mg;
  • Selenium – 7,2 mkg.Калорийность арахиса и рекомендации для его употребления при похудении

The peanut is rich with antioxidants (polyphenols) which interfere with development of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, protect from a senilism. Despite of the peanut caloric content, inclusion of a product in various diets for weight reduction it is based on that sense of fulness which it gives. Vegetable proteins as a part of a peanut are balanced from the point of view of the replaceable and irreplaceable amino acids entering them therefore are perfectly acquired in the course of digestion.

Except other hepatoprotective action is peculiar to a peanut, it promotes a normal hemopoiesis and renewal of cells of an epithelium, including vascular, improves memory, attention and hearing.

The use of a peanut in excess quantity is fraught with negative effects. First of all it leads to rapid growth of body weight. Also disturbances of digestion and allergic reactions are noted (an itch, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pains, a Quincke's edema and even an acute anaphylaxis). Considering richness of a peanut in calories, it is shown in a food allowance at a serious illness and exhaustion.

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