Bread is among products of rather high nutritional and energy value that does it necessary in a food allowance of both children, and adults. Since Rome and Ancient Greece the recipe of preparation of bread, also as well as its role in a nutritious diet of the person, practically did not change.
a href="javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="" rel="lytebox">Besides that bread contains the complex carbohydrates which are an energy source and a protein quantity, its part are: cellulose, vitamins (most of all – the folic acid and vitamins of group B participating in work of nervous cells), micro and macrocells (magnesium, zinc, calcium).
Any bakery products prepared from wheat flour belong to white loaf. At the same time flour of different types and grades can be used, as defines number of calories in white loaf.
By amount of useful properties bread, certainly, belongs to useful and necessary products in a food allowance. Despite of rather high caloric content, white loaf it is recommended to eat daily thanks to a significant amount of carbohydrates and necessary vitamins.
Usually for preparation of bread use wheat flour and water. Also necessary ingredient for its preparation is culinary yeast. However the modern food industry often in preparation time of bread uses various nutritional supplements for strengthening of taste and extension of a period of storage. For this reason many doctors and nutritionists recommend to cook bread independently to exclude influence on an organism of these substances.
Average caloric content of white loaf makes 240-260 kcal. However the exact number of calories in white loaf depends on the recipe of production of bread as the final caloric content of a product is influenced by all ingredients entering it.
Many nutritionists are considered that bread, despite of its caloric content, should not be excluded from a diet of those who to aim to lose excess weight. However they note that in this case it is necessary to eat the bread made from mix of wheat flour with bran. In this case calories in white loaf approximately as much (245 kcal), however due to increase in amount of cellulose it is acquired quicker and more stoutly. For decrease in caloric content of white loaf at its preparation in addition to wheat flour it is possible to use rye. It will allow to reduce caloric content to 217-220 kcal on 100 g of bread.
How many calories in white loaf, depend on a type of a bakery product. At the same time the caloric content of rolls, baskets and other sweet bakery products from wheat flour is much higher, than the caloric content of white loaf. So, in 100 g contains:
To use white loaf as a part of a healthy diet, nutritionists recommend not to buy finished products, and to cook it independently. At the same time to improve taste, aroma, vitamin and mineral composition, and also to change the caloric content of white loaf, it is recommended to add to its structure seeds of various Pancake week plants, nuts, spices and spices:
According to opinion of many scientists, vitamin complexes are almost useless for the person.
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