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Caloric content of fruit

Как посчитать, сколько калорий в сухофруктахFruit – fleshy fruits of trees or bushes which people use in cookery, cosmetology and medicine. Fruit which caloric content varies depending on a look are very useful, have pleasant taste, they are irreplaceable sources of vitamins, various useful substances, have the antiallergic, antiviral and immunostimulating properties.

Supporters of healthy food, in spite of the fact that the caloric content of fruit of many types is happy high, claim that even those who keep to diets have to use them daily in a small amount.

Many people wishing to lose weight often think of that how many calories in fruit. In the nature there are many types of fruit which have negative caloric content, that is the organism after their use spends much more energy, than receives at the expense of what there is a weight loss. Developers of the majority of diets recommend to use as much as possible fruit at weight loss, however, before beginning to build the food allowance, it is worth understanding what fruit it is possible at a diet. The structure, influence on an organism and properties of different types of fruit are not identical, however all of them contain useful vitamins, cellulose and minerals, and also well influence digestion process.

What fruit it is possible at a diet

Caloric content of fruit at observance of a diet plays a first-priority role, and also by consideration of products which will make a food allowance of the person. The difference in number of calories in fruit is striking: so one apple contains only 48 kcal whereas in one banana – 150 kcal, however hardly turn out to be sated with one apple whereas one banana is full-fledged having a snack.

Such fruit which caloric content is high as bananas, the persimmon, avocado and grapes promote fat accumulation as they in a large number contain fructose. Those who have desire to lose weight have to avoid consumption of these caloric fruit in the evening, in some diets they are forbidden to be used at all. High content of calories in fruit is caused by the fact that they in a large number contain carbohydrates, tannins, organic acids, essential oils, vitamins and minerals.

To lose weight, nutritionists advise twice a week to arrange fasting days for which it is necessary to use fruit which caloric content is small. Total quantity of the calories consumed in fasting days has to make from 1200 to 1500 kcal that will allow to dump up to 5 kg a week. Apples, pears, oranges, apricots and grapefruits belong to fruit which caloric content is small, they can make a basis of a dietary diet.

How many calories in dried fruits

Dried fruits – tasty and very useful dried-up and dehydrated fruits of berries and fruit in which the maximum quantity of minerals remains. Caloric content of dried fruits in the majority of types fluctuates from 200 to 300 kcal on 100 g. A large number in them contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, P, they have the increased concentration of minerals and microelements which exceeds by 4-5 times concentration in crude fruit.

Fruit and dried fruits, unlike sweet desserts, are valuable foodstuff, but not sources of "empty calories". For those who adhere healthy and active lifestyle when it is necessary to fill quickly energy, they are irreplaceable sources of the mineral substances and vitamins dissipated at trainings. The daily recommended consumption of dried fruits makes 100 g.

Calories in dried fruits in the majority of types fluctuate from 250 to 300 kcal on 100 g, besides, that for 65% they are made by easily acquired carbohydrates.

Calories in dried fruits, at the rate on 100 g:

  • Fig — 278 kcal;Калорийность фруктов и их употребление при диете
  • Dried apricots — 272 kcal;
  • Prunes — 264 kcal;
  • Raisin — 279 kcal.

Despite the fact that how many calories in dried fruits, they nevertheless can be used that who keeps to a diet as in a small amount they well influence intestinal microflora, promote its clarification and removal from an organism of harmful slags and toxins. High content of calories in dried fruits does not prevent broad use of these products in dietology and cookery as ingredient for preparation of sauces and compotes.

Dried fruits compote which caloric content on 100 g makes 60 kcal if to train him without sugar, is recommended at observance of diets, and in winter time it is fine sources of minerals and vitamins, necessary for an organism.

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