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Liver caloric content

Калорийность печени куриной - 140 ккал на 100 граммThe liver is a popular offal from which it is possible to make many second courses. The people caring for the weight have to know about the caloric content of a liver of a different origin – chicken, beef, pork. It will help to distribute more precisely energy value of a diet during the day.

Caloric content of a chicken liver

The chicken liver very gentle on taste, is also a delicious product in many countries. Dishes from it turn out tasty and well satisfy hunger. Caloric content of a chicken liver on 100 g of a product makes 140 kcal. These figures are comparable with beef meat.

For dietary food it is important to choose a chicken liver of high quality:

  • With a brilliant smooth surface (the testimony of freshness of a product);
  • Brown color;
  • Without various inclusions or clots;
  • With an almost inaudible characteristic smell of a liver.

Low-quality liver friable on a consistence. If it falls to pieces then, it was repeatedly defrozen and again froze.

Different options of heat treatment also influence liver caloric content. So, the caloric content of a stewed liver from chicken about 164 kcal, boiled (boiled) the lowest – 152 kcal. Caloric content of a fried liver the highest, also makes 181 kcal.

In addition to low caloric content the liver of chicken is useful also that in it there is a lot of folic acid and vitamins of group B, and in 100 g of a product the standard daily rate of iron contains. Therefore this product is irreplaceable at anemias of various origin including at pregnant women. If to compare structure and amount of protein in a liver and breast cut chicken, and also the caloric content of a liver and chicken meat, then they are almost identical. And here vitamins A and group B in a liver it is much bigger, than in a breast.

Caloric content of beef liver

Beef liver is also useful to health – in it not enough fat, it is a lot of protein, amino acids and vitamins. Caloric content of beef liver is lower, than chicken. In a boiled view of the 100th of a product only 127 kcal are necessary.

Such low caloric content of a liver does it by a valuable product for drawing up a diet at obesity and excess weight.

The liver is recommended to make an obligatory component in the menu of active smokers as it is capable to neutralize harmful effect of nicotine and pitches. The antioxidants which are contained in it strengthen cellular membranes and interfere with formation of cancer cells.

It is better for small children not to include beef liver in the menu as it contains a lot of keratin and rather heavy for digestion.

Caloric content of pork liver

Калорийность печени свиной - 109 ккал на 100 граммPork liver – a tasty and useful offal which besides is distinguished by low cost. In pork liver there are a lot of amino acids, and vitamins are in a digestible form. Caloric content of a liver of a pig in comparison with meat and other animal products small.

For preparation of dishes from pork liver it is important to choose it correctly. A fresh liver of uniform color, with an elastic plain surface, a little sweetish smell of weak intensity.

Caloric content of pork liver makes 109 kcal on 100 g of a product. The caloric content of a liver will be influenced by a way of its preparation and addition of other components of a dish. For example, the caloric content of a fried liver will be more owing to the fact that for frying high-calorific fats are used. And here the caloric content of a stewed liver not such big, as at fried as extinguish a liver preferential in water with addition of a small amount of vegetable oil.

Preparation of pork liver has the features. So that it did not taste bitter and became softer, before cooking it is better to soak a product in milk. It is better to salt a liver at the end of frying, it will make it not such rigid.

Rather small caloric content of a liver of a pig – an argument including it in the list of dietary products.

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