Main > Food stuffs> Carambola


The carambola represents a tropical tree from Kislichnye's family which has leaves of an akatsevidny form, dense krone and reaches up to 4-5 meters in height.

Дерево карамбола с плодами

Biological features and distribution

The carambola is a hygrophilous tree which grows, generally in tropical climate of South America and East Asia. The tree gained the greatest distribution in Brazil, Sri Lanka, India, the USA, Ghana, Indonesia and Israel.

Fruits of a carambola have the form of a star and a yellowish shade. Pulp of fruits juicy, crackling can also have small ridge outgrowths which contain a large amount of vitamin C.

Mature fruits of a carambola have amber color and differ to taste, depending on versions. Five-pointed fruits have sweet-sour taste, and six-pointed with massive outgrowths – sweet smack.

Some grades of a carambola taste like apple, grapes and plum, and others are similar to a gooseberry and a lemon.

Useful properties of a carambola

Useful properties of a carambola are high, thanks to structure which is rich with phosphorus, iron, organic acids, calcium and potassium. Vitamins of group B and C, beta carotene, provitamins, ascorbic acid are a part of fruits.

In Ancient Asia in traditional medicine leaves and flowers of a carambola for treatment of various diseases were actively used.

Now in India this fruit is used as styptic means, and also ingredient for medical drugs against hemorrhoids, fever, diarrhea and a hungover syndrome.

The candied fruits of a carambola are anti-inflammatory, antiedematous and cholagogue drug.

In Brazil broth from fruits and leaves of this tree is used as antiemetic and anesthetic. The crushed leaves of a carambola apply to treatment depriving, smallpox and as helminthic.

As a result of scientific research as a part of roots and leaves of a tree the content of glyutaminovy acid which is effective antidote at intoxications was revealed.

Seeds of fruits of a carambola use as soothing and an antispasmodic at diseases of bodies of a GIT and bronchial asthma.

Useful properties of a carambola are directed to strengthening of protective functions of a human body, a lowering of arterial pressure, normalization of content of sugar in blood, and also effectively work against a headache and dizziness.

Caloric content

The carambola is low-calorie fruit in which 31 kcal. Also fruits contain 7 g of carbohydrates and 1 g of proteins.

Use of a carambola

The carambola has pleasant sourish and sweet taste and well satisfies thirst. In the different countries of the world this fruit is used for preparation of a set of dishes.

In Europe the carambola is used, generally for decoration of ice cream, cocktails and desserts. On Sri Lanka and in India the fruit is used in the raw together with a peel. China adds this fruit to fish dishes, and in Hawaii from it prepare a water-ice with addition of a lemon.

From a carambola good sauce for meat dishes to which add horse-radish, a celery, vinegar and spices turns out. Fruit gives to meat, vegetable and fish dishes unusual, but pleasant smack.

In the Southern Asia and America the unripe carambola is used as vegetable which is pickled and salted, and also used for preparation of ragout. And from the ripened fruits of fruit tasty purees, puddings, juice, jelly and fruit salads turn out.

Спелые плоды карамболы

Carambola contraindications

The carambola is contraindicated to the use to people with a serious illness of the alimentary system, including with gastritis, a peptic ulcer and a coloenteritis.

Fruit contains a large amount of oxalic acid and vitamin C which can provoke renal pathologies and disturbances of a salt metabolism.

With care the carambola should be used at individual intolerance of ascorbic acid and predisposition to allergic reactions.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.