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Ferrous carbonate

Description of substance

Ferrous carbonate (siderite, iron carbonic, E505, iron spar, Ferrous Carbonate) - the inorganic compound presented by white trigonal crystals. Is mineral of a sedimentary origin with characteristic brown color.Карбонат железа - минерал осадочного происхождения

Substance not растворимо in water, however is easily dissolved in mineral acids. Decays at a temperature from 490 degrees Celsius. In the industrial purposes ferrous carbonate is received by means of interaction of salts of iron (in solutions) with carbonates of alkaline metals.

Chemical formula of substance - FeCO3.

Ferrous carbonate use

Ferrous carbonate is used as the nutritional supplement having properties of emulsifier and the regulator of acidity, promoting maintenance of a required consistence of a product. It is applied in production of vegetable and fruit canned food (adjika, letcho, marrow caviar, eggplant caviar, jams, jam), baby food, confectionery (pastries, confiture) and stuffings to them.

Besides, ferrous carbonate is used in the formula-feed industry for enrichment of forages of the cattle by microelements.

Harm of ferrous carbonate

Results of scientific tests and researches confirmed explicit harm of ferrous carbonate for human health. For this reason nutritional supplement was excluded from the list resolved according to all international standards including to standards of the Russian Federation with assignment of the status "potentially dangerous". E505 is prohibited for use in the food industry in the territory of Russia, the neighboring countries, the European Union countries and the USA.Карбонат железа - пищевая добавка Е505

Ferrous carbonate is excluded from the list of nutritional supplements the SanPiN by changes of December 23, 2010. Despite prohibition to use, E505 additive is still used by some unfair producers including ferrous carbonate in structure of food stuffs.

Danger of ferrous carbonate and other nutritional supplements to health of the person is that the harmful substances which are their part collect in body tissues and over time cause gradual disturbance of systems of its life activity, damaging bodies. The liver, kidneys, system of a hemopoiesis, digestive organs suffer from E505 toxic agents. In certain cases the use of inorganic compound of ferrous carbonate can cause allergic reactions.

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