Main > Diseases> Cardiosclerosis


Short characteristic of a disease

Симптомы кардиосклероза

The name of a disease "cardiosclerosis" comes from two Greek words: "kardia" - heart and "sklerosis" - consolidation. This disease influences myocardium tissues. In development of pathology they are replaced with rough connecting fabric with formation of hems. Besides, the cardiosclerosis deforms heart valves. Process of substitution and consolidation of tissues of myocardium is a consequence of myocarditis, a myocardial dystrophy, coronary heart disease and heart attack.

Depending on localization and intensity of development of pathology, allocate a focal and diffusion cardiosclerosis. The first is characterized by formation of accurately outlined centers of defeat of different size. The main reasons for their emergence is the postponed myocardial infarction or any inflammatory processes.

Unlike focal, the diffusion cardiosclerosis is distributed on all surface of a myocardium, that is, it equally strikes various sites of this department of heart and has no explicit borders. Develops, as a rule, after damages of a cardiac muscle.

Cardiosclerosis – origins and classification

Now, according to the classification offered WHO allocate a postmiokardichesky, atherosclerotic and postinfarction cardiosclerosis. Let's consider each of these types in more detail.

The Postmiokardichesky form develops on that place where the inflammation of a miokradit was recorded. Substitution of fabrics is caused by destructive changes of myocytes and exudative processes. In most cases the postmiokardichesky cardiosclerosis is shown at young people. Its characteristics are existence of the centers of defeat and the accompanying allergic or infectious diseases. The heart sizes – are increased, symptoms of heart failure and disturbance of blood circulation on right ventricular type are practically always observed.

Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis – symptoms develop slowly because of what the clinical symptomatology remains scanty during a long period. Are characteristic of an atherosclerotic form: diffusion changes, the progressing dystrophy of fibers, disturbances of metabolism and an atrophy of certain sites of a myocardium. Almost always the cardiosclerosis atherosclerotic is followed by symptoms of heart failure – hypostases, short wind, heartbeat and an edema of cavities. Quite often this form leads to emergence of bradycardia and development of an aortal stenosis.

The postinfarction cardiosclerosis – treatment of pathology is required after the postponed myocardial infarction. The disease has focal character, is shown as a result of substitution of tissues of cardiac muscle by young connecting fabric. Clinical symptoms are similar to an atherosclerotic form. First of all, it is necessary to refer disturbances of a cordial rhythm and conductivity to them.

Cardiosclerosis – disease symptoms

Signs of existence of pathology we will consider depending on disease type. The most widespread miokardichesky cardiosclerosis is shown in the form of arrhythmias, disturbances of cordial conductivity and chronic heart failure.

The atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis causes valve defects and attacks of stenocardia. Besides, process of substitution of fabrics leads to development of aneurism of heart. Disease – slow, progressing.

Cardiosclerosis – treatment and forecasts

Лечение кардосклероза

Medical actions have to be directed to elimination of the basic disease which caused a cardiosclerosis. To patients appoint the means recovering function of heart at arrhythmias and blockade and also the drugs liquidating displays of heart failure and improving a condition of fibers of a myocardium. If at the person the heavy, started cardiosclerosis is observed, treatment can demand implantation of a pacemaker.

Consider that for successful treatment it is necessary to limit exercise stresses, to adhere to recommendations of the doctor and to eat properly. The following restrictions in food are shown to patients:

  • restriction of table salt and free liquid;
  • exception of a usual diet of the products exciting cardiovascular system and TsNS (alcohol, strong tea, cocoa, coffee);
  • refusal of fried and meat food;
  • restriction of consumption of onions, radish, garden radish and garlic;
  • full refusal of the products causing a meteorism (cabbage, milk, bean);
  • it is desirable to minimize the use of egg yolks, internals of animals and the other food containing high doses of cholesterol.

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