
Carmine (E120 dye) – nutritional supplement of reddish-purple color. Color of a carmine depends on acidity of the environment. In acid medium color of a carmine will be orange. In the neutral environment dye will paint in red, and in the alkaline environment color of a carmine will be purple.Формула красителя кармин

Carmine – the steadiest of all dyes of the group. It is not sensitive to oxidation, to heat treatment, by a sunlight.

Carmine history

In ancient times the carmine was more expensive than gold. Europeans for the first time learned about it in 1518. At that time dye was delivered to Europe by the Spanish conquistadors. Inhabitants of Latin America traditionally applied this substance to coloring of yarn and fabrics, and in Armenia long since wrote with this natural dyestuff miniatures on parchment. Mass production of a carmine began in the 90th years. Then this connection began to be applied in the food industry as dye.

Receiving dye of a carmine

Carminic acid from which produce E120 additive is received in very original way – from bodies of females of a cochineal plant louse. These insects live on the Canary Islands, in America, Peru and parasitize on some species of bushes and trees.

Carminic acid – a pigment of eggs and an abdomen of females of the cochineal insect. Dye is received by precipitation of carminic acid in the presence of cations of calcium and aluminum. The dye extract extracted from bodies of insects may contain from 15 to 20% of carminic acid.

The color of females becomes red before insects lay the eggs. During this period of scale insects collect, their covers clear of interiors, dry and process solution of sodium carbonate or ammonia. The purified water-soluble extract of a carmine is called the cochineal insect. For receiving one kilogram of dye it is required females of a cochineal plant louse more than one and a half million. Therefore it is more expensive than other similar nutritional supplements.Кармин - краситель красновато-пурпурного цвета

Use of a carmine

The carmine share in the market of natural dyestuffs makes 11%. Generally dye is applied in rybo-and meat-processing production, in the confectionery and milk industry, to production of sauces, sausages, glaze, ketchups, juice and jelly. It gives delicious and to sausages a natural reddish shade. This natural dyestuff allows to improve a trade dress of products and to improve extent of their coloring.

Dye a carmine is used in the perfumery and cosmetic industry. Apply a carmine and to coloring of tissue specimens.

Harm of a carmine

This dye is especially hazardous to health of the person at individual intolerance of all synthetic and natural dyestuffs. Harm from a carmine can be shown in the form of heavy allergic reaction.

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