Main > Drugs> Iris


Application instruction:

Цветок касатикаThe second name of an iris – an iris. This herbaceous plant can reach in height of 1 meter. Multi-colored flowers and xiphoidal leaves are considered as the main distinctive features of an iris. The plant from May to June blossoms. Pharmacy chains most often realize only iris rhizomes under the name "orris".

In the nature there are about 250 types of an iris which are widespread on all corners of the planet. For example, in Russia about 80 versions grow. Especially well the plant grows in wetlands, on coast of ponds and the rivers, but the iris also can grow in the green space. Besides, cultivation of an iris is widespread recently thanks to what with its help decorate gardens, parks and squares.

Use of an iris

Rather often the iris is applied as medicine. On assurances of many folk healers, by means of an iris it is possible to win against a huge number of diseases among which there is cough, quinsy, bronchitis, gastric gripes, hypostases, migraines, digestive tract diseases. It helps to increase immunity considerably. By means of an iris it is possible to suspend active development of tuberculosis, also it can be used as laxative and diuretic.

Ботаническая иллюстрация касатикаThe essential oils which are contained in flowers of an iris and in other parts of this plant, according to specialists in the field of feng shui, allow to use a plant for achievement of the maximum sincere harmony, for recovery of mentality after heavy moral and intellectual loadings.

Traditional medicine most often uses a plant root, but sometimes raw materials for this or that medicine are made of a land part of flowers. The root of an iris is prepared either in the early spring, or in the fall. Ideal month for this work September is considered.

The plant which age not less than 2 and no more than 4 years can only become medicine. To prepare a root, it needs to be dug out, and then properly to wash out and cut off all land parts. If roots too thick, then them it is necessary to cut in half or on 3 parts. Raw materials in the fresh air under a canopy or in well aired room dry. Correctly prepared raw materials are stored 3 years then it is better to throw out it.

Roots and flowers of an iris are rather often used for production of broths, teas, infusions, creams, various powders and powders which can be applied further in the medicinal purposes.

Infusion from an iris prepares from 50 grams of well crushed root which is filled in with vodka (0,5 l). Such mix about two weeks then it is necessary to accept it three times a day on 20 drops infuses, diluting before it a quarter of a glass of water.

At any colds, cough, polyps in a stomach and quinsy broth from an iris which prepares from a teaspoon of powder of the iris which is filled in with hot water (300 гр is rather effective.). It is necessary to cook this mix minutes 5-7, and then several hours to insist in the warm place.

The powder made of iris roots is recommended to apply at emergence on integuments of ulcers, and also at an intertrigo.

Harm of an iris

Medical literature does not supply with any information that the iris can be somehow unhealthy the person. But, nevertheless, it is better for people who have an increased coagulability of blood to refuse use of drugs with the maintenance of an iris as in it there are components which can promote blood solidification.

Before use in the medical or preventive purposes of similar drugs it is necessary to consult surely with the doctor.

Whether you know that:

Human bones are stronger than concrete four times.