Main > Food stuffs> Chestnut


Two absolutely different types of a chestnut differ: horse (which still call a zheludnik) and noble (which also call "present"). Fruits of the last are considered as edible. At French such product is esteemed as the real delicacy which became national, in his honor they even arrange a holiday.


The noble (real) chestnut concerns to family beechen, and is grown up in Europe, North America and Asia. Optimum climate for plants – warm subtropical. This species of a tree differs from a zheludnik in a form of fruits and leaves. In one round box of a noble chestnut there are about 2-4 nutlets. This species of a plant in Russia is not grown up, but it is absolutely simple to buy it in many shops.

And here the world famous horse-chestnut represents a tree with wide krone which can reach 30 meters in height, it differs in petiolar roundish leaves in an outline, more similar on a hand with rather large number of "fingers". Flowers in a tree are collected in the tirsa representing upright pyramidal inflorescences which length reaches 30 cm. Fruits of a plant look as the small spherical boxes covered with thorns when they ripen, reveal three shutters. Usually in a zheludnik there is only one brilliant, dark brown and large nutlet.

Useful properties of a chestnut

Distinctive feature of a chestnut is contents in it rather high content of fats which by quantity is insignificant (in the smaller party) differs only from almonds, the Greek nut, a peanut and a filbert. The chestnut contains about 60% of starch, about 6% of protein, 15% of sugars and it is more than 2% of fats. Vitamins of group B, A and C, mineral substances and cellulose also are a part of chestnut nut.

Because of properties of a chestnut which differ in high content of tannins it is not recommended to eat crude nuts.

All parts of a plant contain in themselves various useful substances, however, in different shares. So, for example, fruits of a chestnut contain biologically active agents, pectin, flavonoids, starch, tannins and oils; in branches and bark – a set of glycosides, oils and tannins.

Spirit tinctures of a chestnut, broths and infusions are applied to treatment of various diseases, such as atherosclerosis, idiopathic hypertensias, diseases of vessels and heart. Also tincture of a chestnut is useful to prevention and treatment of embolisms and thromboses.

In traditional medicine the advantage of a chestnut is used for treatment of diseases of a liver, joint rheumatism, treatment of a varicosity, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, a set of gynecologic diseases which are connected with stagnation in a small basin of blood.

Curative properties also the inedible horse-chestnut in which all is used has: both leaves, and bark, and green cover, and fruits. As for flowers, and they have useful properties, only being on 1-2 day of blossoming.

Use of a chestnut

Most often chestnuts are eaten in a baked state. Such option of preparation is considered the most popular in France where autumn streets literally "roll" in aromas of baked chestnuts. Also nut can be used in a boiled or baked look. Dry nuts can be used as additive to wheat flour.

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Chestnut caloric content in comparison with other nuts is low and makes only 170 kcal.

In traditional medicine chestnut seeds, the advantage of which is very high at fight against any pains and inflammations, are used. Flowers of a zheludnik are quite good melliferous herbs. On nutritiousness seeds resemble grain grains therefore they make flour of them.

Besides, it is considered that in a horse-chestnut curative energy thanks to which it is possible to get rid of many indispositions and diseases is located. The advantage of a chestnut at mastitis, a mastopathy is proved and even at stagnation of milk which can happen when feeding the baby a breast.

Tincture of a chestnut is applied outwardly to treatment of radiculitis, gout, rheumatism and a sciatica. In this case it is necessary to rub tincture in problem body parts, the course of treatment lasts from about 6 to 8 weeks.

Positively grinding by tincture of a chestnut influences also muscular sheaves, it promotes I rassasyvat hematomas and tumors, at the same time promotes improvement of blood supply in places of dislocations and bruises. Traditional medicine in properties of a chestnut sees an effective remedy for treatment of joint rheumatism, cardiovascular and idiopathic hypertensias.

Harm of a chestnut

Except advantage, the chestnut can bring to a human body and harm therefore before its use it is necessary to consult without fail with the doctor.

As the chestnut reduces a blood svorachivayemost, its independent use in the medical purposes is not recommended at all. Is strictly forbidden to accept drugs with addition of this plant at hypotonia, diseases of kidneys and a liver, and also when feeding by a breast and pregnancies.

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