The mullet is a genus of sea fishes who treat group of kefaleobrazny.
Fish lives in priberezhny waters practically of all warm and tropical seas. Some of its types are found in fresh waters near America, Southeast Asia, New Zealand, Australia and Madagascar. Coast of Florida are the main area of dwelling of a mullet in the USA. Besides, it is the best-known small fish of Black Sea Coast where it is presented in 4 forms: остронос, сингиль, mullet and pelengas. The last look is a newcomer from Japan, and in the Black Sea it appeared only at the end of the last century.
Mullets keep small flocks and are incredibly mobile. Spawning of fish happens in priberezhny and open waters in September. The small fish most often eats underwater substrates.
All species of fish are externally similar.
The mullet is valuable industrial fish who differs in fine tastes. The small fish from the Black and Azov seas who is caught in the early spring or late fall is considered incredibly tasty. In the Caspian Sea fish is a little larger, at the same time has smaller fat content.
Thanks to very tasty light meat and lack of small stones fish is widely used in cookery. Dishes from a mullet can be the most various, but most tasty the smoked or dried small fish, especially, is considered if it is ungutted.
The largest fish of family under the name "mullet" possesses incredibly tasty caviar. White "fat" which is in an abdominal cavity of fish and differs in peculiar and incredibly pleasant taste is considered the most valuable.
At the regular use fried on naked flame or the baked mullet it is possible to reduce risk of emergence or in general to prevent emergence of arrhythmia of heart. By means of the fatty acids which are contained in fish it is possible to improve activity of a brain and to lower possibilities of emergence of any failures in cardiac performance.
Also useful properties of a mullet are that it, as well as many other species of fish, is a fine source of the high-quality protein containing amino acids necessary to an organism which cannot be replaced with something. In a large number in fish proteins there is a methionine which is not in simple meat.
Besides, the mullet is extremely rich various macro - and microelements, and also vitamins. In enough in fish there is a RR vitamin, chrome, zinc, phosphorus and fluorine. Also it is a good source of vitamins of group B.
Thanks to the last researches of scientists it became clear that the regular use of a mullet actively helps with fight against various depressions. Such action can be explained with existence in fish of a huge amount of polyunsaturated acids which are better known as the Omega-3. Therefore, using it about 2-3 weekly, it is possible to overcome problems with bad mood and a depression.
Thanks to useful properties of a mullet it is irreplaceable at chronic or acute diseases of intestines.
The mullet is considered not a caloric small fish therefore it can be used in dietary food. Is 100 g fresher than fish only 88 kcal are necessary.
Nutrition value of a mullet is by 17,5 g of proteins, 2 g of fats, at the same time carbohydrates are absent in general. Also contents in fish of various mineral substances is high. So, for example, 100 grams contain 6 mkg of nickel, 4 mkg of molybdenum, 430 mkg of fluorine, 55 mkg of chrome, and also 0,7 mg of zinc and 165 mg of chlorine.
Harmful fish can become only in the presence at the person of an allergy to this species of fish. In that case it is desirable to refuse its use completely or to considerably limit it.
Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.
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