Intestinal impassability consists in partial or complete cessation of advance of contents (chyme) on intestines. Intestinal impassability demands urgent medical intervention as it is a state, life-threatening.
On character of a current distinguish acute intestinal impassability and chronic, also intestinal impassability can be full or partial.
By origin can be inborn or acquired. Inborn intestinal impassability is caused in children by anomalies of development of intestines or obstruction by its dense meconium – the stake which is formed during pre-natal fetation.
Depending on the reason which caused it intestinal impassability is divided into two look: dynamic and mechanical.
Dynamic intestinal impassability is caused by frustration of an innervation and blood circulation in intestines.
In turn is divided into the following forms:
Mechanical intestinal impassability - the most often found type of intestinal impassability. It is divided into the following subspecies:
Intestinal impassability is also classified by level:
At each type of intestinal impassability symptoms differ, however there are signs, the general for all cases:
These three symptoms of intestinal impassability have the features inherent to this state therefore it is worth talking about them slightly in more detail.
Treat other symptoms of intestinal impassability: thirst, the blown-up stomach, a hyperperistalsis at the beginning of a disease, and its complete cessation in process of an aggravation of symptoms. At the beginning of a disease, because of a strong vermicular movement, loud intestinal noise are heard, then the peristaltics stops, and there comes complete silence – a symptom of "death silence".
During acute intestinal impassability allocate three stages:
Diagnosis of acute intestinal impassability has to be immediate. The initial diagnosis is made on the basis of careful survey, definition of characteristic symptoms and tests, and also on the basis of X-ray inspection.
Treatment of intestinal impassability begins with emergency measures on completion of the lost liquid and removal of painful shock. Upper parts of digestive tract exempt from the contents remains by means of the probe, lower parts – by means of siphon enemas. For the termination of a hyperperistalsis in an initial stage enter the spasmolysants weakening a muscular wall. Sometimes for treatment of intestinal impassability of a dynamic form these measures are sufficient for recovery of normal function of intestines.
If therapeutic methods of treatment of intestinal impassability in its dynamic form are inefficient, and in all cases of mechanical intestinal impassability, resort to an operative measure which consists in elimination of a cause of illness, in case of the occurred necrosis of the site of intestines – its excision and recovery of intestinal passability.
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