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The benzoic acid

The benzoic acid (e210) – the preservative used in the food industry.

Description and characteristic

For the first time Формула кислоты бензойной acid was emitted in the 16th century by means of a method of sublimation of the benzoin resin. In the 19th century Germans could define structure of acid, investigated its properties and compared its characteristics to hippuric acid. As a result in the second half of the 19th century antimicrobic effect of the benzoic acid was revealed. And in the 20th century of its steel widely to apply to conservation of foodstuff.

On the physical properties the benzoic acid represents needles or brilliant monoklinny leaflets of white color which melt at a temperature of 122 degrees Celsius. Acid is well dissolved in water, fats and anhydrous alcohol.

From the chemical point of view preservative can be carried to monobasic carboxylic acids of an aromatic series. E210 – natural substance which contains in a number of berries: cranberry, bilberry, cowberry. There is it in honey in the connected look. The benzoic acid is formed in such dairy fermented products as yogurt or curdled milk, as a result of microbic decomposition of hippuric acid. Also it contains in some essential oils, for example, in clove. Antimicrobic properties of the benzoic acid are based on oppression of activity of enzymes in cells of microbes.

In the synthetic way acid is received during toluene oxidation. At the moment this way of receiving acid is most widespread and it is considered the most favorable as raw materials for this purpose inexpensive and process do not make negative impact on the environment.

Earlier the benzoic acid was received also by means of acid hydrolysis of phenyl chloroform and decarboxylation of phthalic acid with influence of catalysts. But now such way of receiving acid is not urgent.

Use of the benzoic acid

The food industry of property of the benzoic acid is applied in the confectionery, brewing and baking industry. Use it in preparation of margarine, jam, fruit juice, a vegetable pickles, marinated fish, milk products, chewing gums, ice cream, seasonings, liqueurs, candies and substitutes of sugar.

Besides, Кислота бензойная содержится в йогуртеalong with ethers and salts use e210 and in the cosmetic industry. In the form of benzyl benzoate it is applied in pharmaceutics (add to ointments against itch).

In the medical purposes acid is used as fungicidal and antimicrobic means. It is added to many cough medicine as it plays a role of an antiseptic agent and has expectorant effect. Well additive e210 proved at treatment of perspiration of legs and fungus diseases of skin.

Widely use the benzoic acid in chemical industry. So, when synthesizing many organic matters acid often plays a role of the main reagent.

Influence of the benzoic acid on a human body

Preservative e210 in general is well acquired by a human body and interacts with proteinaceous connections, forming hippuric acid in the form of which the organism also brings him kidneys.

According to some information e210 can enter interaction with ascorbic acid, forming strong carcinogen – free benzene. Therefore it is necessary to avoid products as a part of which there is an ascorbic acid and additive e210.

In Russia there is strictly certain dosage for preservative e210 in food stuffs. Its quantity should not exceed 5mg/kg, otherwise acid negatively influences a condition of kidneys and a liver.

Whether you know that:

Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.