Each woman perfectly knows, it is how important to observe personal hygiene of external genitals. Careful hygiene is excellent prevention from various diseases of the generative organs having infectious and inflammatory character to which vulvita and various inflammations of a uterus and appendages belong. Quite often, in addition to above-mentioned diseases, at the woman it is possible to meet such pathology as a cyst of bartolinovy gland. The reasons of its development exists much, and the forecast is not always positive.
Bartolinovy gland represents the pair body which is located in anticipation of a vagina. There is gland in the thickness, at the basis of big vulvar lips. The size makes it 1,5-2 centimeters in the diameter. It has also output channels opening from the inside of small vulvar lips.
The main destination of bartolinovy gland – synthesis of viscous grayish liquid which carries out a role of lubricant and provides more comfortable sexual intercourse. That is, it is possible to draw a conclusion from here that bartolinovy gland is necessary for all women leading regular sex life.
The cyst represents a cavity in which secretory liquid of bartolinovy gland owing to obstruction of an output channel gathers. At long process of a disease, and also accession of such factors as immunity easing, consecutive infection, a cyst has property to abscess and turn into more irregular shape – abscess of bartolinovy gland.
As it was already written above, the cyst of bartolinovy gland is a consequence of obstruction of an output channel or its infection. The following factors can promote it:
As a rule, the cyst looks as roundish education in the field of big vulvar lips, almost painless. The sizes of a cyst can vary from the sizes of a small pea (peppercorn) to the sizes of goose egg (to 8-12 centimeters). If the cyst has the small size, then it is rare when delivers to the patient of inconvenience therefore at this stage see a doctor seldom.
When the cyst expands to the big sizes, the patient feels painful feelings during sexual intercourse and when walking.
In case of suppuration symptoms of a cyst of bartolinovy gland following:
The Nagnoyenny cyst can have 10 centimeters a diameter. At the same time the woman at first feels the slight itch which is gradually developing into a severe throbbing pain. Circulation for the patient becomes impossible. If it can go, then does it, having widely placed legs inadvertently not to touch a healthy place.
The Nagnoyenny cyst (abscess) can spontaneously be opened that is followed by purulent discharges from the place of opening. As infectious process, sexually transmitted becomes the main reason for an empyema of cyst, in this case there are following symptoms inherent in all purulent diseases: an endocervicitis, a hyperemia of a vulva and vagina, purulent discharges from a vagina.
Diagnosing of a cyst does not present special difficulties. The diagnosis is made on the basis of a clinical picture of a disease, gynecologic survey of the patient. For specification can take the analysis of a smear on degree of purity of a vagina and conduct microscopic examination of contents of a cyst (for definition of the activator).
Main goal of treatment of a cyst of bartolinovy gland is recovery of full work of gland, that is allocation resuming by gland of secretory liquid for moistening of a vagina, otherwise further intimate relations to the woman will bring notable discomfort.
Today operation on a cyst of bartolinovy gland is the most optimum method of treatment. And, the difference in approaches to an operative measure significantly differs. Earlier abscesses and cysts were opened by means of a cut, and from them contents then the cystous cavity was washed out were taken. Statistically, the similar method of treatment had only temporary effect and in most cases led to a disease recurrence as walls of output pass in most cases grew together among themselves.
The most progressive technique of operational treatment is introduction a Word catheter today. By means of this adaptation of the patient have chance of an absolute recovery without risk of a recurrence. An essence of the given operation on a cyst of bartolinovy gland simple. The cystous area is opened, contents are taken, and the cystous cavity is washed out then inside insert a Word catheter. At the end of a catheter there is a rubber tip which is inflated in the form of a ball. At introduction of a catheter to a cystous cavity the tip is inflated to the small sizes and for a certain term left before formation of an epithelial cover. Usually it happens over a month during which the channel for slime passing which walls do not grow together forms.
This operation on a cyst of bartolinovy gland takes not enough time. The first few days after surgical intervention the woman feels some discomfort. Besides, doctors prohibit certain time to have sex. More operation has no complications unless at non-compliance with rules of personal hygiene there can be an infection.
If for certain reasons installation of a catheter is not represented possible, it is possible to resort to a cyst marsupialization method. This operation is carried out on an outpatient basis using a local anesthesia and occupies no more than half an hour. At first the operational area is "frozen", and in the place of the greatest vypiraniye of a cyst do a small cut. Further the typical procedure of extraction of contents of a cyst and washing of a cystous cavity is made. After that the wall of a cyst is sewn to a cover of vulvar lips.
Unfortunately, these techniques are not rather widespread in our countries. In usual policlinics the most widespread method of treatment of a cyst of bartolinovy gland is its full removal. Of course, this operation allows to avoid completely a possibility of a recurrence, but for the rest patients feel essential discomfort. As gland is removed, during sexual intercourse there is no moistening of a vagina that causes unpleasant feelings. And it is not all shortcomings of similar operation. As operation is performed under a local anesthesia, there is essential load of heart. Besides, during operation injury of external genitals is possible.
In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.
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