Main > Diseases> Cyst of a Highmore's bosom

Cyst of a Highmore's bosom

The cyst of a Highmore's bosom is the high-quality education forming from gland of a mucous membrane of bosoms of a nose at obstruction of an output channel. When the output channel ceases to work, in iron slime collects and the spherical thin-walled capsule filling a part of a bosom of a nose is formed.Истинная киста гайморовой пазухи

Distinguish two subspecies of a cyst of a Highmore's bosom:

  • Classical or true cyst of a Highmore's bosom. All its walls are created from tissue of a mucous membrane;
  • False or pseudocyst. The cover of such cyst forms from other types of fabrics. It usually is located on the lower part of a Highmore's bosom and arises owing to inflammatory processes on an upper jaw.

According to medical researches the cyst of a Highmore's bosom is defined at inspection at 10% of people. For its diagnosis it is optimum to use a method of a computer tomography.

Can be the reasons of formation of a cyst of a Highmore's bosom:

  • All types of rhinitises – chronic, vasculomotor, allergic;
  • Inflammations mucous nose bosoms – sinusitis, polyps;
  • Anomalies in development of a nasal cavity.

Cyst of a Highmore's bosom: symptoms

Symptoms of a cyst of a Highmore's bosom following:

  • The chronic pains in an upper jaw giving to a temple and an eye-socket from the affected bosom;
  • Constant headaches;
  • Bunged-up nose in the absence of symptoms of catarrhal diseases, and also allocation from a nose of yellow liquid;
  • Frequent diseases of Highmore's bosoms.

It should be noted that in most cases symptoms of a cyst of a Highmore's bosom are absent, and its existence is found accidentally when carrying out radiographic researches of the head on other indications.

Cyst of a Highmore's bosom: treatment

Definition of a method of treatment of a cyst of a Highmore's bosom requires long observation of its development. It is almost impossible to predict development.Единственный метод лечения кисты гайморовой пазухи - удаление

In case of asymptomatic course of a disease the cyst can remain many years invariable, decrease in sizes or even to disappear. Such cyst does not demand treatment. The adventitious cyst connected with a tooth infection in most cases passes when tooth is treated. At a puncture of Highmore's bosoms the cyst is punctured a needle, contents of a cyst stream, and it decreases in sizes. The cyst cover at the same time remains and after a while is again filled.

In other cases, it is not dependent on a type of a cyst if it constantly disturbs and breaks normal life activity of an organism, recommend only an efficient method of treatment of a cyst in a Highmore's bosom – removal.

Removal of a cyst of a Highmore's bosom

Depending on the size of a cyst and the place of its arrangement in a cavity of a bosom one of two ways of removal is chosen:

  • Surgical removal of a cyst of a Highmore's bosom – Kaldvell-Luke's operation, make it through a section under an upper lip, open a front part of a wall of a bosom, through the made opening by means of surgical instruments delete a cyst. A lack of such way – the broken integrity of walls of a Highmore's bosom. The opening opened in the course of operation grows further with hems, but not a bone tissue. It can lead to disturbance of physiological functions of tissues of mucous membrane, rhinitis or antritis can turn out to be consequence of what. Operation is performed under a local or general anesthesia;
  • Endoscopic removal of a cyst of a Highmore's bosom is carried out by means of the endoscope entered through a nostril, the cyst is deleted through an anastomosis (a natural drainage foramen), in addition without puncturing anything and without cutting. The operating doctor monitors all process on the monitor. Integrity of a Highmore's bosom is not broken, and functions and physiological properties of her mucous membrane completely remain. Carry out operation without use of an anesthesia. In special situations endoscopic removal can be carried out through a cut under an upper lip. In a front part of a Highmore's bosom the opening no more than 4 mm is perforated. At such way of removal of a cyst of a Highmore's bosom the anastomosis remains in integrity.

National treatment of a cyst of a Highmore's bosom

It is important to know that national treatment of a cyst of a Highmore's bosom in most cases can lead its uses to deterioration in a situation, especially if the cyst was created against the background of chronic allergic rhinitis. In that case the allergic background of an organism so is raised, and herbs and biologically active agents, such as honey or propolis, can provoke additional attacks of an allergy and increase in a cyst.

It is not recommended to use the next ways of national treatment of a cyst of a Highmore's bosom:

  • To drip in a nose broths, oils or grass infusions;
  • To grease a nose with honey;
  • To wash out a nasal cavity grass infusions and broths;
  • To do inhalations by essential oils;
  • To accept broths and infusions of herbs.

Also physiotherapeutic and various homeopathic procedures, reception of homeopathic medicines are contraindicated.

Prevention of formation of a cyst of a Highmore's bosom consists in timely treatment of the diseases provoking its development – caries, periodontosis, rhinitis, sinusitis. Treatment of allergic cold antihistaminic drugs and prevention of an aggravation of a pollinosis is also recommended to be carried out in time.

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