Among a large number of diseases which are suffered by both women, and the men who are in quite young age (up to 30 years) the tailbone cyst is quite widespread. In medical science this illness has many names: thermal cyst, epithelial coccygeal course, fistula of a tailbone or pilonidalny sine. The cyst of a tailbone belongs to quite artful diseases and throughout a long time it in general can not give painful feelings and not prove. It is possible to define existence at itself the coccygeal course and independently. In the field of the buttock line (at distance no more than 10 cm from an anus) it is possible to find hardly noticeable opening. At some patients it happens, on the contrary, deep, reminding himself a small funnel.
As a result the thermal cyst belongs to inborn diseases, the main reason of a cyst of a tailbone, and also manifestation of her painful feelings is obstruction of openings or a mechanical injury. Similar negative factors always involve such symptoms of a cyst of a tailbone as the reddenings, unpleasant, sometimes even very acute pain. As the result, arises the irreversible inflammatory process provoking a disease of a fatty tissue. After that on a body there is new, already repeated opening which is called purulent fistula. There is it because pus gradually comes to light, breaking through an upper layer of skin.
It is necessary to see a doctor also if on a body there are such symptoms of a cyst of a tailbone as the small eminence provoked by overcooling or various respiratory diseases (for example, flu).
If at the patient there comes already acute inflammation of a cyst of a tailbone, then it by all means involves temperature increase, and also severe pain. Quite often analyzed disease provokes some complications (development of fistulas, eczemas of skin and purulent abscesses). People, the long time suffering from a chronic stage of an inflammation of a cyst of a tailbone experience constant releases of pus from the epithelial coccygeal course.
Establishing the diagnosis of a cyst of a tailbone, health workers, first of all, try to distinguish it from fistula of a rectum and from osteomyelitis which occurs in sacrum bones. The main diagnostic method is visual survey of a mucous membrane of a rectum. It is possible to carry out it by means of a rektoromanoskop. Besides, this procedure cannot do also without sounding. To define whether really the person has a tailbone cyst disease, it is necessary to undergo by all means inspection of a X-ray analysis of a tailbone and sacrum.
Completely it is possible to cure tailbone fistula only at surgical intervention as today other methods of treatment it is not found yet. Operation of a cyst of a tailbone is carried out with the purpose to take the epithelial coccygeal course, and also all its primary shoots and openings from an organism. Radical treatment of a cyst of a tailbone is carried out surely in several steps:
Thanks to continuous development of medical science, became possible today to perform operation of a cyst of a tailbone on it is unique to the new technique allowing not only to hem wounds, but also to carry out process of surgical intervention without causing painful feelings at the patient. Also it should be noted that the similar technique of treatment gives the chance to the patient easily to undergo an operation, to quickly complete the rehabilitation period and to start directly really active lifestyle.
Essential advantage of operations of a cyst of a tailbone is that after them the disease practically never renews. It is possible to refer quite long process of a wound repair which sometimes reaches six weeks to shortcomings.
It is possible to carry to the main postoperative recommendations which the patient has to observe:
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