The lactocele belongs to high-quality new growths. The cyst represents the cavity filled with liquid contents. Cysts can be multiple or single. More often they are formed of channels of mammary glands owing to the overgrowth of the fabrics covering them. The size of a channel increases, there is a stagnation of a secret of a mammary gland. When the size of such cavity reached 1 cm it is possible to tell with confidence that the lactocele was formed.
Disturbance of the hormonal status of the patient, to be exact change of level of female sex hormones in an organism is the main reason for lactoceles: estrogen and prolactin. Therefore the main contingent of women with the found cysts of mammary glands have age from 35 to 55 years. Often cysts occur at not giving birth women after 30 years. However childbirth as the process significantly changing the hormonal status of the woman can also become the reason of cysts of mammary glands.
Also dependence between the frequency of formation of cysts and reception of hormonal contraceptives is noted.
Except the main reason for cysts of mammary glands there is a number of the factors promoting a kistoobrazovaniye:
- the injuries of a mammary gland which are carried out earlier operative measures;
- long and regular insolation. It is not only about a natural sunlight, but also about suntan in a sunbed. Any insolation leads to increase in production of estrogen in an organism. Especially harmfully to sunbathe with wet skin;
- psychoemotional stress. During it the amount of hormones of a stress increases: testosterone, cortisol, and also prolactin. On this background there is a hormonal reorganization of an organism. Such imbalance of hormones is also the reason of cysts of mammary glands;
- thermal influence. Any thermal procedure, whether it be regular reception of hot bathtubs or work near heating devices (the cook, the presser), stimulates production of estrogen, and, therefore, and can be the cause of cysts of mammary glands;
- hormonal diseases. Most often dysfunction of a thyroid gland.
Much less often in tissue of a mammary gland the fatty cyst can be formed. The reason of development is an obstruction of a channel of a sebaceous gland. It is not dangerous, is not inclined to an ozlokachestvleniye. In rare instances there is its inflammation.
Cysts to 1 cm in the diameter more often do not disturb the patient in any way. It is rather accidental find on ultrasonography or when carrying out mammography.
From nonspecific symptoms of cysts of mammary glands it is possible to allocate a nagrubaniye, the pulling feelings in a mammary gland in the second half of a cycle. Insignificant morbidity can sometimes disturb. However the main complaint with which the woman addresses the mammologist is existence in depth of a mammary gland of roundish formation of a soft and elastic consistence.
At the considerable sizes of a cyst or unilateral multiple cysts the woman can complain of the asymmetry of mammary glands which is especially accurately coming to light at the hands raised up.
Usually independent detection in tissue of a mammary gland of spherical consolidation takes place.
It is not soldered to surrounding fabrics, often without serious consequences and in most cases does not lead to considerable deformation of a mammary gland. Symptoms of cysts of mammary glands are not specific also to diagnosis low-informative.
For women of young age the main method of confirmation of the diagnosis of a lactocele is ultrasonography.
When performing ultrasonography smooth-bore education with existence in a cavity of evenly painted contents comes to light. Education walls thin, smooth.
Carrying out mammography is obligatory for women after 40-45 years. Ultrasonography at such age can also lead low-informative to hyper diagnosis of mastopathies.
After detection of a lactocele the fine-needle aspiration biopsy of contents of a cyst is surely carried out. The received secret surely goes to microscopic inspection for possible identification of atypical cells, i.e. cancer cells.
At infection of a cyst its inflammation and suppuration which is followed by all symptoms of inflammatory reaction is possible: pain, swelling, general and local temperature increase.
Most often the lactocele does not regenerate and does not do harm to health of the woman. However it is impossible to underestimate this disease. The single cyst can be the beginning of development of a fibrous and cystous mastopathy, and this already more serious disease which promotes development of a malignant new growth of a mammary gland.
Radical removal of lactoceles is used seldom and strictly according to indications. At the moment cysts to 2-2,5 cm in the diameter are subject to conservative treatment.
Big role it is allocated for psychotherapy, treatment of a possible depression at the patient, to training in techniques of a self-relaxation and fight against a stress.
Use in treatment of cysts of mammary glands of folk remedies is possible. It is possible to refer phytotherapy to them.
Positive impact is exerted by homeopathy and carefully picked up physical therapy. It is worth focusing attention that a number of physiotherapy promotes increase in cysts of mammary glands therefore the professional physiotherapist has to appoint programs of rehabilitation.
Positive impact is exerted vitamin also by mineraloterapiya.
Treatment of the accompanying hormonal problems is obligatory. Before an initiation of treatment of a lactocele the woman shall consult with the endocrinologist, the gynecologist. To make a number of biochemical inspections and to define the hormonal status.
At the sizes of a cyst exceeding 2,5 cm carry out surgical removal of a lactocele. Sometimes such treatment begins even in the course of diagnosis. At rather small sizes of a cyst, during a fine-needle aspiration biopsy, contents are taken for a research. The cyst can be fallen down and further not be filled.
In certain cases treatment of lactoceles includes sclerotherapy, i.e. introduction to a cyst cavity after evacuation of contents of the special drug promoting its obliteration.
At diagnosis of the multiple cysts having growth, a wall thickening, etc. in the cavities surgical removal of lactoceles is carried out. If the woman with existence of above-mentioned symptoms has a burdened oncological anamnesis, the sectoral resection of a mammary gland can be carried out.
The combined treatment of cysts of mammary glands is in most cases used: folk remedies, homeopathy, psychotherapy also only as a last resort resort to surgical interventions.
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