The cyst of a kidney is a high-quality capsule in the kidney of the different sizes which is filled with liquid of a yellowish shade. In some exceptional cases the cyst of a kidney can pass into a kidney tumor. Often this disease affects men after 50 years.
Cysts of a kidney are located often in the upper or lower part of a kidney in a bast or upper layer. Can have the ellipsoidal or spherical form, to be difficult (divided into several segments) and simple (single-chamber). On walls of difficult cysts mineral deposits can be formed.
Preferential cysts of a kidney of the small sizes meet (to two centimeters), but their size can sometimes make from one to ten centimeters. Also larger cysts of a kidney are in rare instances observed.
The reason of a cyst of a kidney consider the accelerated growth of epithelial cells in kidney tubules. Most often this reason of a cyst of a kidney arises because of injuries, genetic predisposition, infectious parasitic diseases. Sometimes (in 5% of cases) the cyst of a kidney is inborn and is formed because of loss of communication of urinary tract with germinal tubules. In such cases when the cyst of a kidney is in a human body since the birth, the disease begins to develop often only in an after-life.
In most cases symptoms of a cyst of a kidney are:
Often patients, even in the presence of many symptoms of a cyst of a kidney, can even not suspect about the disease, and learn about it accidentally when performing ultrasonography.
If the infection joins a cyst of a kidney, also symptoms of pyelonephritis appear:
Generally the cyst of a kidney is diagnosed by means of ultrasound examination of kidneys (ultrasonography). Thanks to this method it is possible to define quantity, the sizes and localization of cysts.
During establishment of the diagnosis the doctor is based on complaints of the patient. Existence of cysts is demonstrated by a hilly surface and a renomegaly which is felt at a palpation. At laboratory researches in blood anemia, the reduced amount of protein, the increased level of creatinine and urea comes to light; in urine the leukocyturia, a hamaturia is observed, sometimes reveal the lost specific weight of urine and hyaline cylinders.
If only the simple single cyst is found, in addition it is not necessary to carry out treatment of a cyst of a kidney. In that case the sick person needs to undergo every year ultrasound examination of kidneys, to protect itself from infectious diseases and overcoolings. As a symptomatic treatment of a cyst of a kidney use the antiinflammatory and anesthetizing drugs, and also force down pressure.
It is necessary to carry out treatment when complications appear – the chronic renal failure or pyelonephritis develops.
If there are big uncomplicated cysts of a kidney squeezing nearby fabrics carry out a pyropuncture – puncture emptying of a cyst of a kidney under a local anesthesia. After this procedure it is possible to go home at once, and only after two weeks to check whether the cyst began grow again.
Indications to removal of a cyst of a kidney are:
At purpose of removal of a cyst of a kidney an important role is played by age of the patient. It is recommended to operation to do only at young or middle age, and here in elderly it is desirable to be limited to other methods of treatment of a cyst of a kidney. It is important to remember that, despite high quality of a cyst of a kidney, it can pass into malignant. For this reason, it is important as soon as possible to find and begin to treat a kidney cyst.
National treatment of a cyst of a kidney consists in the use of various tinctures and juice of plants.
1. Burdock juice. For receiving juice of a burdock it is necessary to cut off several leaves of a burdock and by means of the juice extractor to exploit with them completely. The first two days it is necessary to accept it on one teaspoon twice a day. In the third and fourth days – on one teaspoon three times a day, further – on one tablespoon three times a day.
Every time juice has to be fresh. It is necessary to drink it regularly for a month in thirty minutes prior to meal.
2. Tincture from a shell of walnuts. For its preparation in the enameled ware it is necessary to fill a half of a glass of the crushed shell, to fill in it with a half of a glass of boiled water, to potomit under a cover one hour and to filter.
It is necessary to accept this tincture for one month on 1/3 glasses three times a day before meal. It is possible to use instead of tea. After a break in eight days to repeat a course a month more.
3. Tincture from a gold mustache. For its preparation it is necessary to crush 50 sustavchik, to fill in them with 500 milliliters of vodka and to insist ten days then to filter.
In the morning tincture is used on an empty stomach, in the evening - in thirty minutes prior to food. During the first course of treatment in the first day it is necessary to use ten drops on thirty milliliters of water. In the second day – on eleven drops, in the third – on twelve. Thus, in twenty five days you will reach thirty five drops. Then, every day diminishing on one drop, it is necessary to return in twenty five days to initial volume.
After one week the second year during which it is necessary to apply tincture three times a day according to the former scheme begins. It is possible to do from two up to five such courses with a week interval.
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